نفا الفئة من 1964 ميموريال بادج الرجاء ارسال نعي أو معلومات أو صور ليتم إضافتها اضغط هنا لإرسال رسالة إلكترونية لنشرها أكارو، دوروثي M. شميدت كوتدوتيكوت عمر 54 عاما من إلينوود، جورجيا، نيوبورج سابقا، نيويورك، توفي يوم الخميس 29 مارس ، 2001 بعد قصيرة، ولكن معركة شجاعة مع السرطان. وقد نجت من زوجها المحبوب بول شميت، بنات وزوجاتهم، السيد أمب السيدة داريل (كاثلين أكارو) جيجر، كيستون مرتفعات، فل، السيد والسيدة ويليام (جين فيرغسون) فريدل، ستوكبريدج، جورجيا الأب، فرانك كل من بورت أورانج وفل خمسة أحفاد وأماندا وبريتني جيجر وتري ولوغان فريدل وكاميرون شميدت وشقيقه فرانك أكارو جر و فورت بيرس و فورت بيرس و فل ستيب-سون و بول شميت إي و مايكل شميت ، فل. وستقام خدمات الجنازة يوم الاثنين، 2 أبريل 2001 في تمام الساعة 11 صباحا في ووردز فيرفيو مصلى مع الشماس جيرالد ر. شميت، الأب. إنتيرمنت، فيرفيو، تمثال، غاردنز. جين فريدل (ابنة) قاتل أمي أمي قصيرة، ولكن معركة شجاعة مع البنكرياس والكبد وسرطان الرئة. توفيت 5 أسابيع إلى تاريخ التشخيص. كانت مقاتلة و قاتلت حتى النهاية. كانت أفضل زوجة، أم و نانا يمكن لأي شخص أن يطلب. وقالت العديد من القصص عن أيامها في نفا وأنا أفتقد سماع كل منهم. أحب أن أسمع من أي شخص يرغب في البقاء على اتصال. ذاكرتها مهمة جدا بالنسبة لي. ويمكن الوصول إلي على البريد الإلكتروني في جفريدلاول فرانك L. أكارو. وهو من سكان فلوريدا منذ عام 1991، توفي في 3 أكتوبر 2001، في ولاية فلوريدا. ولد في فيربلانك، نيويورك في 21 سبتمبر 1910. كان أحد المقيمين في نيوبورج، ن. كان يعمل لمدة طويلة في إري ونيويورك-نيو هافن للسكك الحديدية لمدة 23 عاما. وكان مالكا لشركة أكارو للطباعة لمدة 34 عاما (1946-1980). وكان عضوا في الميثاق ومفوض النار لمدة 50 عاما مع دان ليغورن شركة المحرك النار 1. وكان عضوا في أوكت، ماسوني لودج 207 منذ عام 1957. انتقل إلى فورت بيرس في عام 1991. وهو على قيد الحياة من قبل ابن واحد، فرانك الابن. من بورت سانت لوسي، ابنة واحدة تبنت، كاثلين جيجر من كيستون هايتس، فلا واحدة حفيدة تبنت، جين فريدل من اتلانتا، غا حفيدة واحدة، جوليا فانميرسبيرجر من ليكوود بارك، فلا. حفيدين فرانك D. و أنتوني من ميناء سانت لوسي، فلا خمسة أحفاد ثلاثة إخوة، إرنست من لانكستر، سك جيمس من البندقية، فلا وسام نيوبورج، نيويورك وأخت واحدة، جينفييف تشيارمونتي من نيوبورج، نيويورك كان بريديسد من قبل زوجته دوروثي غرايسون أكارو وابنة واحدة، دوتي شميدت. وستكون ساعات الاتصال من 9 إلى 11 صباحا مع خدمة في الساعة 11 صباحا غدا، السبت، 6 أكتوبر، في ديدوناتو-بروكس جنازة الرئيسية، 481 جيدني افي. نيوبورج، نيويورك 12550. سوف القس كورت أوتواي الشروع. سوف يتبع الدفن في مقبرة وادي والكيل في والدن، ن. ي.أغنيو، توماس C. كوتكوت 53، من مارلبورو، توفي 1199 نوفمبر في مارلبورو. وكان السيد أغنيو مدير شؤون المحاربين القدامى، مقاطعة أورانج. كان قدامى المحاربين في جيش الولايات المتحدة، يخدم جولتين في فيتنام. خدم السيد أغنيو كطيار مروحية الجيش في فيتنام لمدة جولتين من الواجب، وكسب الصليب الطائر المتميز والميدالية الجوية من فالور. وفي وقت لاحق من حياته، عمل كمتطوع في محو الأمية في أمريكا. ولد في نيوبورغ في 68، 1946، وكان ابن جون سي و ألما سي. تايلور آجنيو. وحضر في جامعة ولاية بنسلفانيا، وتخرج من جامعة الدولة في نيو بالتز مع B. S. الدرجة العلمية. ومن بين الناجين زوجته ديبورا دولينغ أغنيو والديه وجون وألما أغنيو ثلاثة أبناء وبريان أغنو وبالتيمور أندرو وجيمس أغنيو من مارلبورو ثلاث بنات وجين أغنيو من مدينة نيويورك إميلي أغنيو من فيلادلفيا وأبي أغنيو من مارلبورو أمه - في القانون، إلين دولينغ شقيق، جون T. أغنيو من تكساس عدة شقيقات وأبناء. وسوف يكون تجمع تذكاري من العائلة والأصدقاء 2-4 و7-9 مساء. في ديدوناتو جنازة الرئيسية، 1290 الطريق 9W، مارلبورو. وسوف تكون الكتلة التذكارية الساعة 11 من صباح يوم 15 نوفمبر من كنيسة سانت ماريس، الطريق 9 دبليو، مارلبورو، مع الأب ألفريد ر. بيزوتو. سوف الدفن من كريمينز تكون في مؤامرة الأسرة في مقبرة سيدار هيل في راحة الأسرة. وبصفته متلقي زرع الكلى نفسه، تود عائلة تومس أن تعرب عن امتنانها لجميع الأسر المانحة نيابة عنه. تبرعات تذكارية 5be جعلت إلى تكية من مقاطعة أورانج، 806 ستوني بروك كورت، نيوبورج، نيويورك 12550 أو إلى بيت فيشر للأسر قدامى المحاربين، 113 هولندا افي. ألباني، نيويورك 12208. أنتونوتشي، أنيماري بتلر من نيو وندسور، زوجة الحبيب، الأم، الجدة والصديق، توفي يوم الثلاثاء، 2 أغسطس 2011 في المنزل مع زوجها المحب والأطفال من جانبها. كانت 64. ابنة الأمريكان الراحلين كوتيدكوت وماري سيانفرونجا أنطونوتشي، ولدت في 14 ديسمبر 1946 في نيوبورج. في 15 أكتوبر 1983 تزوجت بريان E. بتلر، الذي يعيش في المنزل. كانت أنيماري زوجة رائعة، الأم والجدة، الذين يمكن دائما الاعتماد على دعم وتشجيع أسرتها وأصدقائها، في أي مسعى. وقالت إنها تتمتع السفر، وخاصة إلى أي شاطئ، والرحلات إلى وايلدوود وجامايكا والمكسيك وجزر برمودا وفلوريدا وجزر البهاما ونوفا سكوتيا سوف تستمر في توفير عائلتها مع العديد من الذكريات. أمضت السنوات ال 15 الأخيرة التي ساعدت في بناء الشركة العائلية، وكانت تعرف كم كانت محبوبة من قبل المستفيدين. لم تشتك أبدا من مرضها، خاضت ببسالة مع الثقة والكرامة حتى النهاية، ودائما تقدر الأفكار والصلوات وتمنياتنا. نحن ممتنون للرعاية التي يقدمها الأطباء لها والعاملين الرعاية من دار العجزة. كان أنيماري خريج عام 1964 من N. F.A. ومالك شركة غولدن ريل إيل هاوس منذ عام 1995. عملت في ماكبث لمدة 22 عاما، وكانت هناك حيث قابلت زوجها في عام 1981. وكانت رعية كنيسة القديس فرنسيس الأسيزي، نيوبورج، وعملت في مجلس الإدارة من مقاطعة أورانج الحانة أمب مطعم جمعية، عضو في جمعية غاردنرتون من الآباء والأمهات الموظفين، وكان أكبر مروحة من الأطفال والفرق الرياضية غراندشيلدرنز لها. بالإضافة إلى زوجها المحب 27 عاما، بريان، نجت من ابنتها جاكلين مونجيلي وزوجها لو ابن مارلبورو، كريستوفر بتلر في أحفاد المنزل، نيكولا وصموئيل مونجيلي من مارلبورو. وستعقد الزيارة من الساعة 2 إلى 6 مساء. يوم الأحد 7 أغسطس في بروكس فونيرال هوم، 481 جيدني Ave. نيوبورج. سيتم الاحتفال بقداس من الدفن المسيحي في الساعة العاشرة من صباح يوم الاثنين 8 أغسطس في كنيسة القديس فرنسيس الأسيزي، نيوبورج. سوف الدفن متابعة في مقبرة الجمجمة، نيو وندسور. المساهمات في الذاكرة أنيماري يمكن أن تكون إلى تكية أورانج أمب سوليفان المقاطعات، 800 ستوني بروك كت. نيوبورغ، ني 12550 أو كولون كانسر أليانس، 1025 فيرمونت Ave. نو، سويت 1066، واشنطن، دس 20005، ccalliance. org لإرسال تعزية شخصية أو للحصول على الاتجاهات، يرجى زيارة بروكسف أو الاتصال 845-561-8300. قدمه بيل واي 1964 wway1946aol أن ماري كان صديقا حقيقيا لفئة 1964. دائما داعمة جدا لم شمل الطبقة لدينا. سنفتقدك كثيرا آن ماري. بنتون، دوروثي شارون بيدرسين من هاملت من والكيل، دخلت حيز الراحة يوم الخميس، 10 مارس 2011 في مستشفى سانت لوكيس كورنوال، نيوبورغ الحرم الجامعي. كانت 65. ابنة الراحل لورانس ودوروثي دوماس بنتون، ولد دوروثي 27 يوليو 1945 في نيوبورج. كانت عضوا في كنيسة الثالوث المتحدة الميثودية. دوروثي نجا من زوجها جيمس، في منزل أبنائها، تيموثي بيدرسن وزوجته، هولي من والدن، ولورين بيدرسن وخطيبة، سارة هيجينز من شقيق كينغستون، لي بنتون من نيوبورغ، فضلا عن أبناء وأبناؤه. وستجرى الزيارة يوم الأحد 13 مارس / آذار من الساعة 2 إلى 4 مساء. في وايت أمب فينوتو جنازة الرئيسية، 188 N. بلانك أردي. بلدة، بسبب، نيوبورغ. وستبدأ خدمة الجنازة في الساعة 00/16. بعد الزيارة. سوف الدفن تكون خاصة. ترتيبات من قبل الأبيض أمب فينوتو جنازة منزل 845-562-6550 أو زيارة وايتاندفينوتوفونيرهوم بيركيري، شيلا R. كوكس من وودستوك، توفي يوم الاثنين، 10 مارس 2003 في مقر إقامتها. كانت في الخامسة من سبتمبر عام 1946 في نيوبورج، ابنة الراحل ليو وتيريزا كاسيدي بيركيري، وكانت تقيم في وودستوك منذ عام 1969. وكانت عضوا في كنيسة القديس يوحنا في وودستوك وكانت عضوا في كبار برنامج التوعية للكنيسة، ونادي الكتاب الثلاثاء من سوجرتيس الغربية. ومن بين الناجين زوجها هوارد ن. كوكس ثلاثة أبناء هوارد د. من ريفتون وبريت نيو اورليانز ولاس فيغاس وشون كوكس من بروكلين شقيقين ليو اتلانتا وجورج بيركري من بونيل بولاية فلوريدا شقيقة مريم مكاوي نيوبورغ حفيدات أخوات وأخوات. وستقام مسيرة جنازة فى الساعة 10:15 صباحا يوم الخميس الموافق 13 مارس الجارى فى لاشر فونيرال هوم 100 شركة تينكر سانت وودستوك. سيتم الاحتفال بقداس من الدفن المسيحي في الساعة 11 صباحا في كنيسة سانت جونز، وودستوك. أفضل، بريندا كاي ديفيس مقيمة سابقة في فريدريكسبورغ، فا غادرت هذه الحياة 12 يونيو 2009، في منزلها بعد مرض قصير. ولدت في 30 ديسمبر 1946، في كلينتون، الولايات المتحدة إلى والتر وماري أفضل. كانت سادس من سبعة أطفال. انتقلت هي وأسرتها إلى نيوبورج، نيويورك عندما كانت فتاة صغيرة. وحضرت نيوبورج المدارس العامة، وتخرجت من أكاديمية نيوبورغ الحرة في عام 1964. عملت بريندا لعدد من السنوات في آي بي إم في فيشكيل، نيويورك قبل الانتقال إلى شيكاغو. وعادت إلى نيوبورج لفترة قصيرة، قبل أن تنتقل إلى كاليفورنيا حيث كانت تعمل مرة أخرى من قبل آي بي إم. تزوجت ألان ديفيس، حب حياتها. نقلوا إلى كاستل روك حيث عملت ل هيوليت باكارد. حصلت على درجة البكالوريوس في الآداب من جامعة فينيكس. كان بريندا الرامي متعطشا وحصل على العديد من الجوائز. كما كانت عضوا في منظمة هاملز. كاي، كما كانت تسمى بمودة، كان عاشق الحيوان وعاش الحياة على أكمل وجه. كانت محبوبة من قبل الكثيرين، ولم يعرفوا الغرباء. بعد سنوات عديدة من الإقناع من عائلتها، انتقلت إلى فيرجينيا لتكون أقرب إليهم. بعد فترة قصيرة من انتقالها إلى فيرجينيا، أصبحت بريندا عضوا في كنيسة يسوع المسيح لقديسي الأيام الأخيرة، روك هيل وارد في ستافورد، فا حيث تطوعت كل أسبوع في المكتبة. وسبقت بريندا في الموت من قبل زوجها شقيقتين، شيرلي هولينز ولافيرن أفضل وشقيقين، إيرل بيست وويليام بيست. تغادرها لتعتز بذكرياتها، وهي ابنة أختها، تاميكا أفضل قلعة كاستل، مارك ديفيس (جانيت) من تاهو، كاليفورنيا، ابنان عظيمان، مالك و طالب ميكس شقيقتان، كاثي بيست براون (وليام) من دومفريز، فا وروبي طومسون (كورتيس) من بريدجيبورت، كون شقيق، جيمس أفضل من نيوبورج عمة، برثا ويتفيلد من كلينتون، نك ومجموعة من الشقيقات، أبناء، أبناء العم، أقارب وأصدقاء آخرين. بريندا سوف تفوت حقا من قبل الجميع. عقدت خدمة 27 يونيو في ميلر الجنازة الرئيسية أمبير المحرقة في وودبريدج. بولوغنيس، فيليس تيبي من والكيل، وهو مقيم منذ فترة طويلة في المنطقة، دخلت في الراحة يوم الخميس، 26 يوليو 2007 في مستشفى سانت لوكيس، نيوبورغ بعد مرض قصير. كانت 60 عاما. ابنة لوسي كولاندرا و فرانك بولونيز الراحل، ولدت في 7 نوفمبر 1946 في نيوبورج. كانت كوتيفليس سخية جدا ومحبة ومخلص امرأة. كانت زوجة مخلصة لزوجها الذي دخل في حياة جديدة في نوفمبر. وقالت انها غاب عنه غاليا. كانت أمي عظيمة. ابنة رائعة، شقيقة، عمة وابن عم الذي كان محبوبا من قبل الجميع. كانت كوفويسكوت الإلهام للكثيرين. وقالت انها تحب لطهي الطعام وتبادل وجبات الطعام مع عائلتها وأصدقائها. لم يكن هناك الكثير جدا لتغذية لها. كان لديها هدية من الحب والمودة لجميع الحيوانات مع جذب خاص للخيول والكلاب والطيور. كلما رأت الحيوانات فيليس، جاءوا إليها كما كانت أمها. كانت عارضة مضمونة و أحب الطبيعة. المشي خارج، والعمل مع الزهور والأشجار المثمرة أعطتها سرور كبير. كانت سيدة خاصة لديها العديد من المواهب والهدايا. كنا جميعا المباركة أن تكون معروفة لها. وقالت انها سوف كثيرا missed. kot مالك نيوبورغ منتجات الصلب في نيوبورج، تخرج فيليس من نيوبورغ الأكاديمية الحرة، جبل. وكلية سانت ماريس وكلية سبنسريان للأعمال. كانت رعية في أبرشية الدم الثمينة في والدن وكنيسة سانت بيترس في ديلاند وفلا وكنيسة القديس أنيس في الأنديز وني وكانت أيضا عضوا في نادي بويلتون ونادي نيوبورج ليك بيريسفورد لليخوت ديلاند وفلا. عضو في الحياة و ليغاسي 100 عضو في سفاري الدولية ومؤسسة مستشفى سانت لوكيسكورنوال. وتشمل الناجيات والدتها لوسي كولاندريا بولونيز من والكيل المحبة الابن باتريك ج. تيبي وزوجته جنيفر من ديلاند، فلا المحبة فرانك بولونيز الابن وزوجته نانسي من ابنة مارلبورو، كيلي بولونيز كيمب وزوجها بول شروزبري، وكتابتين كبيرتين، دانيال وراشيل كيمب من شروسبري، عمه واحد، لويس كولاندرا وزوجته بيرنيس من نيوبورج عمتين، لينا كاسيلي وزوجها إميل من كورنوال وكوني سالانيتا من بروكلين 14 أبناء العم، كوزيمو كولاندرا، إدوارد كولاندرا ، وشارون فورتنبيري، ودارلين كولاندرا، وليون زوتشوفسكي، وليونا ليمل، وباتريك رومانو، وغاري رومانو، وأنطوني رومانو، ورونالد كولاندرا، وإميل كاسيلي، وباتريك كاسيلي، وجوزيف كاسيلي، وصديق رودا كولاندريا مدى الحياة، جوان شيدن بيس من بالمفيل، ، ميغان شيدن من بالمفيل وماريون رومين من نيوبورج. وكان زوجها بول إي. تبيبي في 5 نوفمبر / تشرين الثاني 2006. وستعقد الزيارة من 2 إلى 7 مساء. يوم الأحد 29 يوليو في بروكس فونيرال هوم، 481 جيدني Ave. نيوبورغ مع الأب بيل سكافيدي عقد خدمة الصلاة في 5 مساء. سيتم الاحتفال كتلة من الدفن المسيحي في الساعة 12 ظهرا يوم الاثنين 30 يوليو في معظم الدم الثمين، والدن. سوف إنتومبنت متابعة في ضريح هيل سيدار، نيوبورج. بوتشيارلي، ساندرا L. كوتسانديكوت 26، من 40 نوكس فيلاج، توفي يوم الثلاثاء (16 يناير 1973) كنتيجة لحادث سيارة. ولدت في نيوبورج 19 مايو 1946، ابنة دومينيك F. بوتشيارلي وروبن F. العواصف. عضو في كنيسة القديس فرنسيس، كانت مشغلة ل بيرس مانوفاتورينغ Co. Survivors هي والدتها شقيقة واحدة، السيدة روكو (فاليري) ماكلروي وابن أخيه، جيسون ماكلروي، مدينة نيوبورج الأجداد الأب، مايكل وأنجلينا سبيناردو بوشياريلي والعمات والأعمام. الإطارات هي من قبل كولوني جنازة الرئيسية، رت. 9W، نيو وندسور. أرسلت بواسطة بيل واي - كان 64 خلع الملابس سانديس بجانب الألغام خلال سنوات في نفا. أعتقد أنها توفيت في حادث سيارة مباشرة بعد المدرسة الثانوية. كانت فتاة حلوة مع ابتسامة لطيفة. يمكن لأي شخص تأكيد الحقائق عن وفاتها أرسلت بواسطة شيري جونسون الكناري -65 نعم، أتذكر وفاة ساندي بوتشياريلي في حادث سيارة بعد فترة وجيزة من التخرج. أختها، فاليري، لا تزال في نيوبورج، وأعتقد، متزوج من روكي مسلروي. بورجيس، هارولد كوتسونيكوت الابن توفي الثلاثاء، 21 سبتمبر 2010 في مستشفى بارنز، في سانت لويس، مو. ولد في 29 يوليو 1946، في نيوبورج بنيويورك، ابن هارولد بورغيس، الأب و أرلين (هيلمز) بورجيس. تخرج من المدرسة الثانوية من نيوبورج الأكاديمية الحرة ثم حضر كلية أورانج مقاطعة المجتمع، في ميدلتون، نيويورك. تزوجت سوني كريستينا روبرتسون في 8 فبراير 1964، في نيوبورج، في الكنيسة الجماعية الأولى، مع القس أوفرتون أداء الحفل. عاشت سوني وكريستينا في بحيرة تشارلز، لا. وسبرينغفيلد، مو. قبل الانتقال إلى برانسون، مو. سوني تملكها وتشغل متجر لبيع الهدايا بالتجزئة التي تتخصص أيضا في تجارة بطاقة البيسبول في وسط مدينة برانسون، مو. سوني كان متعطشا أوتورسمان و رياضي. كان يحب الصيد يطير سمك السلمون المرقط وكان كبير نيويورك عمالقة مروحة. كما يتمتع الاستماع إلى الموسيقى 50s و 60s و الفرقة رحلة. وقد سبقه الموت من قبل والديه هارولد وأرلين بورجيس وشقيقة واحدة، بيفرلي. نجت سوني من زوجته المحبة كريستينا بورجيس من برانسون، مو ثلاثة أبناء، كينيث بورجيس وزوجة بيت، من برانسون، مو، داريل بورجيس، من هوليستير، وشاين بورجيس وزوجة جيمي، من ريدس ربيع ابنة واحدة، دون نيل و زوج جون، من أخيه فورسيث، داريل بورجيس، من هارتفورد، كون وأحفاده الأربعة، الذي كان يحب أن يكون مع، زاك، زين، زوي، وبيركلي. ستعقد الخدمات التذكارية يوم الاثنين 27 سبتمبر، الساعة الثالثة مساء. في سناب بيردن جنازة الرئيسية، برانسون، مو، مع الدكتور دانيال تشين أوفيسياتينغ. ويمكن تقديم النصب التذكارية بدلا من الزهور إلى جمعية كيسي آن هوهمان التذكارية، P. O. بوكس 6031، سانت تشارلز، مو 63302. كانيلي، ليندا كامبينز - فئة 1964 كاريتو، لورانس - فئة 1964 كاتانيا، جانيس كورنفيلد - فئة 1964 كلافيو، بيتر الابن كوبيتيكوت SP4 - E4 - الجيش - الخدمة الانتقائية، 199th لايت المشاة لواء، 22 سنة واحدة، القوقازي، ذكر، ولد في نوفمبر 29، 1945، من نيوبورج، نيويورك. بدأ جولته في 17 فبراير 1968 كانت إصابة في 02 يونيو 1968 في جيا دينه، جنوب فيتنام، هوستيلي، توفي متأثرا بجروح، أرض إصابات، بندقية، نيران الأسلحة الصغيرة، تم انتشال الجسم. الديانة الرومانية الكاثوليكية، لوحة 61W - - الخط 11 كوربو، نيكولاس P. المودة المعروفة باسم كوتاديكوت و كوتبوبيكوت لأبنائه وأحفاده، و كوتنيكيكوت أو كوتنيكوت لأصدقائه وعائلته، وافته بالسلام يوم الجمعة، 30 مارس 2012. وكان 66 عاما. توفي نيك في منزله في كورنوال، نيويورك، محاطة بأسرته المكرسة، بالضبط ثلاثة أشهر إلى اليوم من عندما تلقى تشخيص سرطان المحطة. لم ينفق أحد هذه الأيام في الشفقة، لأنه قال انه كان حياة جيدة. بدلا من ذلك، أمضى وقته صلاة لأولئك الذين لا يستطيعون الصلاة من أجل أنفسهم. ولد نيك في 15 سبتمبر 1945 في نيوبورج ونيويورك إلى نيكولاس وكاثرين كوربو، وكلاهما سبقه في الموت. واعتبر نفسه مقيم مدى الحياة في نيوبورج، حيث تخرج من نفا في عام 1964. وكان فخورا بأن يكون عضوا لمدة 12 عاما المحلية 137 مهندسي التشغيل من برياركليف مانور، نيويورك، وعضوا لمدة 25 عاما من المحلية 417 نقابة عمال الحديد من نيوبورج، ني. كان يملكها وتشغيلها كور-ستيل أمبريكاتور أمب إركتورس، و كوربوس لحام قبل ذلك. بالإضافة إلى إنشاء المباني والجسور، خلق نيك العديد من القطع الفنية، على الرغم من أنه أشار بتواضع إلى أنها كنيكي-ناكسكوت. كان يحب اللحام والنحت. كما أحب قضاء بعض الوقت على قاربه، ذي بيكاد، على الرغم من أن المزيد من الوقت قضى العمل على ذلك من الإبحار. في الواقع، نيك أحب أي شيء يمكن أن إصلاح أو إعادة البناء. كرس دائما لإعطاء الظهر، وقال انه كان متورطا بشكل كبير في مجتمعه على جزيرة أوكالوسا في فورت والتون بيتش، فلوريدا. إذا كنت ترغب في قراءة بعض من الأشياء المدهشة فعله، يرجى زيارة الرابط التالي: oilawebNewslettersNL201201.pdf مع ابتسامة وعمل جيد لأحد تقريبا واجهه، وكان نيك عدد لا يحصى من الأصدقاء. وقد نجت من زوجته المحبة كارول كوربو وأطفاله الأربعة الحبيبين: نيكول كوربو وجانين كوربو وويندي دويل وزوجها توم دويل وإد بورك وزوجته تارا بورك. كما أن أحفاده الثمينين الثلاثة: تومي وماتي دويل وأشتون بورك، على قيد الحياة أيضا، بالإضافة إلى عماته، فورتشن بوركوسكي، فرانسيس كارفورا، لي فراتو، باربرا كوللو، وكارول ديكانديا، فضلا عن العديد من أبناء العم. نيك قياس ثروته من قبل محبة عائلته، وبالتالي، يعتبر نفسه غنية بشكل مفرط. كما اعتبر نفسه ابن جيد، زوج جيد، وأب جيد، ولكننا جميعا اعتبرته غير عادية. في طلب نيكس، لن يكون هناك خدمة أو نصب تذكاري ومع ذلك، يمكن تقديم التبرعات باسمه إلى مستشفى سانت جود للأبحاث الأطفال: 800-822-6344. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، سوف ابنته الكبرى، نيكول، وجمع القصص لإنشاء كتاب على شرفه. إذا كنت ترغب في تقديم قصة أو إرسال تعازي الأسرة، يرجى القيام بذلك عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني nicky. p.storiesgmail كوسنتينو، رالف F. - فئة عام 1964 كوسمان، روثان يونيو ديو، 68، من برثود، كولورادو وافته المنية في 19 نوفمبر ، 2014 في لونغمونت. ولدت روثان في 31 مايو 1946 في كورنوال، نيويورك إلى بيرتون وإلينور (ويلكوكس) كوسمان. تزوج روثان روبرت ديو في 17 سبتمبر 1966 في نيوبورج، نيويورك. استقرت في نيوبورج، نيويورك حتى عام 1978. أحب روثان التخييم وصيد الأسماك والهواء الطلق والسفر. كما أنها تحب قضاء بعض الوقت مع أحفادها وعائلتها. نجا روثان من زوجها، روبرت ابن جيسون ديو الأخوة بيتر (روزان) كوزمان من كاسبر، وي، بروس (روث آن) كوسمان من سميثفيل، أوك وديفيد (أنيتا) كوزمان من شقيقته السلطة الفلسطينية دوريس كوسمان من نيوبورج، نيويورك ونانسي سميث من أحفاد لونغمونت ويات وريلي ديو وكثير من أبناء العم، شقيقات وأبناء. هي سبقت في الموت من قبل والديها ابنة شيلا ديو شقيق، بيرتون كوزمان. خدمة التذكارية 10:00 ص السبت، 6 ديسمبر 2014 في ألنوت خدمة الجنازة في لوفلاند. كروسلي، جيفري كريج كوتيفكوت من مدينة نيوبورج، ن. ي. الرئيس المتقاعد ل A. W. وقد توفيت شركة كروسلي، وشركة المقاولون العامون المقيمون في المنطقة، يوم السبت، 20 ديسمبر / كانون الأول 2003 في مستشفى كاسل بوينت، بيكون، نيويورك. كان 57. ابن ألفريد كروسلي و ألثيا كروسلي، ولد في 8 أكتوبر 1946 في نيوبورج، نيويورك. كان قدامى المحاربين فى القوات الجوية فى كوريا. وقال متحدث باسم العائلة أن اقتباس مرضه الطويل جيف أظهر الكثير من الشجاعة والصداقة والمحبة لأسرته وأصدقائه. وقال انه سوف يكون ميسدكوت بشدة انه نجا من ابنيه اريك كروسلي، شون P. كروسلي وزوجته، شانون أبنائه الأم جويس أ. كروسلي شقيقه دوغلاس V. كروسلي وزوجته، ريجينا وأطفالهم ريان P. كروسلي ، كاثرين كروسلي وكولين J. كروسلي. يمكن للأصدقاء الاتصال من 5:30 حتي 9:00 مساء يوم الجمعة، 26 ديسمبر 2003 في بروكس-ديدوناتو جنازة الرئيسية، 481 جدني الجادة، نيوبورج، نيويورك. وسوف تكون خدمات فورنيرال السبت 27 ديسمبر 2003 الساعة 11:00 صباحا في دار الجنازة. سوف الدفن يكون في مقبرة وادي والكيل، والدن، نيويورك. كروديل، روبرت ليون 62، ذهب إلى أن يكون مع ربه ومخلصه وانضم إلى ابنه، روبرت ل. كروديل الابن صباح الثلاثاء، 25 مارس 2008. وكان الابن الحبيب والزوج والأب والجد والصديق. بعد 37 عاما من الخدمة كسائق شاحنة لمسافات طويلة في نيويورك، تقاعد إلى تريل الهندي، نك. كان يتمتع التقاعد مع حبيبته المدرسة الثانوية وزوجته من 43 عاما. معا كانوا أعضاء في جمعية حصان الخيل الجنوبية وشاركوا بنشاط في 4-H. وكان أيضا عضوا في ميل غروف الكنيسة الميثودية المتحدة. كرسوا إلى أبعد من قياس عائلته، كانوا مركز كل ما عمل من أجله. قضى معظم وقت فراغه كوتوببيكوت، وتقاسم في الرعاية، والتربية، والحياة اليومية لأحفاده الحبيب. وقد تولى اهتماما كبيرا في رفع حفيدته، فيكتوريا كروديل، وكأنها ابنة ثالثة. كان لها كوتادكوت. كان مدرسا ودليل وأفضل صديق لأبنائه في القانون. انه يحب بلاده وكان فخور الأميركي. بالإضافة إلى ابنه، روبرت ل. كروديل الابن شقيقه تشارلز كروديلي أيضا سلفا له. السيد كروديليس الأسرة الفورية تشمل زوجته، فيرجينيا كوتنجركوت كروديلي ابنتين، جاكلين كوتاكيكوت مكلولين وزوجها، دوغ، وكيمبرلي كوتكيمكوت غاردنر وزوجها، لاري، كل من درب الهندي، نك أربعة أحفاد: دوغلاس وايفرت ماكلولين، فيكتوريا كروديل ، و يعقوب كروديل-براون أخت واحدة، ميشيل كروديل أرنولد وزوجها، توماس أرنولد من والدن، نيويورك العديد من الشقيقات وأبناء، وبالطبع الإعصار، زي نا والبونغو. وكانت الزيارة وخدمات الجنازة عقدت سابقا في كنيسة ميل غروف المتحدة الميثودية في تريل الهندي، نك. سوف يكون الدفن في مقبرة الكنيسة. ويمكن تقديم تبرعات تذكارية لصندوق بوب كروديل للمنح الدراسية، وهو شركة ميل غروف U. M.C. 7311 ميل غروف أردي. إنديان ترايل، نك 28079. كوكورولو، سالفاتوري F. كوتسالكوت 65، توفي الخميس، 2 ديسمبر / كانون الأول 2010، محاطا بأسرته عندما دعت ملائكتنا المنزل. ولد في 20 مايو 1945 في إيطاليا إلى أواخر دومينيك وإميليا كوكورولو، ليتل فعل ذلك الصبي يعرف عندما أبحرت لأمريكا، قبل 55 عاما أن يوم واحد رجل عظيم سوف يترك وراءه إرثا من شأنه أن يمتد بين البلدين. إرثه من الحب، شهادة على حياته العظيمة، ويشمل زوجته، باتريس أورتال أولاده: تارا فيليس وتومي، نيسا لين وبيلي، أنتوني باتريك، وباتريك جوزيف حفيده الوحيد، (نونوس الصيد الصغير باكارو) ليام دومينيك له الإخوة والأخوات: جون وكلوديت، بريان، كاثلين، كيث، كيم، لين، بوبي، ري، وله دليل سفاري الشباب، أنتوني أخواته وأبنائه التي تعني العالم له: اريك، تايلر، نيكول، جيسون، كايل، شانن، ريان، ترافيس، ماري كاثرين، سيلينا، مايكل، ماريا، ميكيلا، مايف، مايكل، نيكو، كيرا، ديليون، ديانا، وكايتلين. وتلك التي لا يمكن أن تسمى ببساطة الأصدقاء بسبب مكان الشرف الذي عقد في قلبه: نات وسوزان، سامي وشارون. في السماء ينضم لعائلتنا من الملائكة: دومينيك، إميليا، أغنس، كليمنت، باتريك، ماري، وشريك الصيد له، مايكل. كان سال رجلا يتطلع إلى القيام بأشياء عظيمة، ويتوقع شيئا أقل من أولئك الذين يترك وراءه. كان يحب السفر، لصيد الأسماك ومطاردة، ولكن الأهم من ذلك كله كان يحب عائلته. أصدقائه من سنوات عديدة سوف نتذكر بذكاء له كوتبواناكوت الأقوياء. وتذكره أسرته بأنه أسطوري. يا حكايات سنقول. لقد لمس الكثير من الأرواح في العديد من الطرق. أي شخص يعرف سال يعرف كم سيتم تفويته. في المرة القادمة التي ترى باك الأقوياء الذي يتوقف ويحدق في لك لحظة واحدة، وابتسامة وتذكر سال، ونعرف انه يراقب أكثر من أنت. وبدلا من الزهور، تطلب الأسرة تقديم تبرعات باسم سالس إلى مستشفى سانت جوديس للأطفال، أو محليا لكبار السن من أجل عطلة العطلات، بلومينغ غروف تاون هول، عناية: بيتي كافالو، ص. ب 358، بلومينغ جروف، نيويورك 10914. وستعقد الزيارة يوم الأحد 5 ديسمبر / كانون الأول من الساعة 5 إلى 8 مساء في دولين نيوبورغ فونيرال هوم، Inc. 318 N. مونتغومري St. نيوبورغ. سيتم الاحتفال بجماعة الجنازة يوم الاثنين 6 ديسمبر، الساعة العاشرة صباحا من كنيسة القديس فرنسيس في نيوبورج. الترتيبات تحت إشراف كريستيان D. غاريسون من دولين نيوبورغ جنازة المنزل، وشركة 845-562-0068. ديفيس، إيرل إيدي إي من نيو وندسور، نيويورك، عامل الرعاية الصحية المنزلية الخاصة لحسابهم الخاص، دخلت في 3 يناير 2004 في المنزل. كان عمره 57 عاما. ولد في 17 أكتوبر 1946 في نيوبورج، كان ابن الراحل إيرل ديفيس أمب جوزفين فيتا فيرغسون. ومن بين الناجين والدته جوزفين فيرغسون من نيوبورج، وشقيقة لويز سومرفيلد من نيوبورج، و 3 بنات، و 2 من أبناء أخيه، و 1 من ابنة الأخ، و 3 من أبناء الأخ الكبرى، و 1 من أخت الابنة العظيمة. ساعات الاتصال هي الأربعاء، 7 يناير من 9-11 صباحا في دولين نيوبورغ جنازة الرئيسية، وشركة 318 شمال مونتجومري شارع، نيوبورج، نيويورك. وسوف تتبع خدمات الجنازة الساعة 11:00 صباحا في منزل الجنازة. سوف الحرق متابعة خدمات الجنازة والدفن في مقبرة كلفاري ستعقد في وقت لاحق. المونسنيور جون بودويك من سانت باتريكس أمبير سوف سيدة من أبرشية بحيرة الشروع. ديمينغ، باربرا ج. ستينسون - فئة عام 1964 دوناهو، جون P. من بيريسبورغ، أوهايو، توفيت سلميا في 3 أبريل 2011، في تكية شمال غرب ولاية أوهايو. ولد في 3 نوفمبر 1946، في بروكلين، نيويورك، لجون وهيلين (فاريل) دوناهو. خدم جون في سلاح الجو كما لوادماستر الطائرات على طائرات الشحن الكبيرة. في عام 1969، حصل على وسام الخدمة الفيتنامية و خرج برفقة في رتبة الرقيب. تخرج من كلية ولاية ويست تشيستر في ولاية بنسلفانيا مع بيد. في التاريخ الأمريكي. وقال انه يدرس ويدرب كرة السلة لمدة 8 سنوات. تزوج كاثلين ريان في 1 سبتمبر 1977. تخرج من كلية الحقوق بجامعة توليدو في عام 1981. امتد مهنته القانونية إلى ما يقرب من 30 عاما وشارك في تطوير ممارسة التقاضي النشطة والناجحة. وعمل أيضا كمساعد للمدعي العام في مقاطعة وود، وقام بتدريس القانون الجنائي في جامعة بولينغ غرين ستيت، وعمل قاضيا بالإنابة في محكمة بلدية بيريسبورغ في الفترة 1995-2001، وكان عضوا نشطا في مقاطعة وود ورابطة المحامين في ولاية أوهايو، تم اعتماده من قبل المحكمة العليا في أوهايو كخبير في مجال قانون الاستئناف. واعتبر أن أعظم واجباته وأعلى شرف له هو تمثيله للأب جيرالد روبنسون، وهو كاهن كاثوليكي أدين بالقتل الذي كان يوحنا يعتقد أنه بريء. وقال مؤخرا، كوتيف كان الأب المحامين محاكمة المختصة أنه كان قد برئت. أشعر بالأسف العميق لحقيقة أنني لن أكون هنا لرؤية هذا الخطأ الرهيب جعل الحق. ولكن جون كان من محبي متعطشا لكرة السلة نكا، وكان يتمتع الغولف والسفر. وقد استمتعت باعداد طلاب المدارس الثانوية للمحاكمة الوهمية كمدرب لقوة إكسبلورر ترووب 2306. نجا جون من زوجته، وبنات كاثلين، وأليسون (جورج) كهنر من هادونفيلد، ونيو جيرسي وسارة دوناهو من سينسيناتي، أوه الأم، هيلين دوناهو من كورنوال، أخت ني، إيلين (تيم) زوارت من ساليسبوري ميلز، نيويورك وأخي، كيفن (كاثلين) دوناهو من كورنوال، نيويورك ابن أخيه، مايكل ابناه، لورا، ميغان وإميلي حفيداته، كاثلين، سامانثا ومادلين وصديقه جيمس مورتون. كان يسبقه والده جون دوناهو. وتود الأسرة أن تشكر مركز طب الأورام في توليدو، ومعسكر شمال غرب ولاية أوهايو والدكتور ستيفن بازيلي. سيتم استقبال الأصدقاء الأربعاء، 6 أبريل 2011، من 3-8 P. M. في بيت جنازة ويتزلر-شانك، بيريسبورغ، 222 E. شارع الحدود الجنوبية، بيريسبورغ، (419-874-3133) الخدمات والدفن ستكون خاصة. وبدلا من الزهور، يمكن تقديم مساهمات تذكارية إلى قانون محكمة بيريسبورغ و إكسبلورر إكسبلورر بوست 2306 أو هوسبيس أوف نورثويست، أوه. دوبيلت، سوزان بيرلمان مقيم منذ فترة طويلة في المنطقة توفي أكتوبر 102010 في المنزل في E. فيشكيل نيويورك. كانت 64. معلمة التربية الخاصة لمنطقة مدرسة وابنجر، وقالت انها تدرس في مدرسة مايرز زوايا. وقبل ذلك، عملت في جبل. مدرسة كوخ لطيف. ولدت في 18 مايو 1946 في ألباني، نيويورك إلى هاري دوبيلت وبيل دروكين، سوزان في نيوبورج، وحصلت على درجة البكالوريوس في جامعة أديلفي والماجستير في التربية الخاصة من سوني نيو بالتز. تزوجت هوارد بيرلمان في عام 1979 في بيكسكيل. كان لها حب المحبة لزوجها وابنتها. خاضت معركة مذهلة وبسالة ضد السرطان على مدى السنوات ال 14 الماضية. كانت عضوا في معبد فاسار وأحببت الذهاب إلى صياغة المعارض. وهي على قيد الحياة زوجها هوارد وابنته أليسون بيرلمان، في المنزل شقيقه الدكتور جيرالد دوبيلت وزوجته شارون من لاجولا، كاليفورنيا وابنة أخيه ساشا دوبيلت. وستقام جنازتها في الساعة 00/13. الخميس 14 أكتوبر في معبد فاسار 140 هوكر افي. بوغكيبسي ني. سيتم الدفن في مؤامرة الأسرة في مقبرة معبد فاسار. وسوف تتلقى العائلة الأصدقاء والعائلة إلى مسكنهم لتبادل ذكريات وقصص سوزان. يمكن تقديم تبرعات تذكارية للوقوف حتى السرطان، 1801 W. أوليمبيا Blvd. باسادينا، كا 91199-1214 standup2cancer. org أوف مايلز أوف هوب برياست كانسر فونداتيون P. O. بوكس 405 لاغرانجيفيل ني 12540. دوبالدي، مايكل J. كوتاجلكوت أردت أن تشمل مرور ابن عمتي مايكل دوبالدي الذي تخرج في عام 1964 بوستيد بي جو بلازيك 102405 آسف لسماع الميكروفون يمر. نحن من فئات مختلفة لكني عدته a friend in New Windsor Posted by Pauline Rute Hall 52 Michael J. Dubaldi, of Tampa, Fla. owner of Michael J. Dubaldi Inc. and formerly of New Windsor, passed away on Monday, January 21, 2002 in Clearwater, Fla. He was 55. The son of Hugo J. and Louise Quintiliani Dubaldi, he was born November 5, 1946 in Newburgh. He is survived by his son, Jason of Atlanta, Ga. his beloved parents, Hugo and Louise Dubaldi of New Windsor his sister, Kathy and her husband, Harold Blake of Hopewell Junction and one niece, Blake of Hopewell Junction. Relatives and friends may call from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. Friday, January 25, at the Coloni Funeral Home, Rt. 9w, New Windsor. A funeral Mass will be celebrated at 10 a. m. Saturday, January 26, at the St. Francis Church, Benkard Ave. Newburgh. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery, New Windsor. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the Coloni Funeral Home, New Windsor. To sign a family guest book or for the directions to the funeral home please visit colonifuneralhome Durham, Paul quotDukequot - passed away sometime in the 1970s. I had heard he was killed in an auto accident. Flemming, Jon R. It is with great sadness that the family of Jon Richard Flemming announces his passing after a long illness, on Wednesday, July 13, 2011 at St. Peters Hospital. Born December 30, 1945 in Newburgh he is the son of late Ralph Buckley Flemming and Elizabeth (Lester) Flemming. Jon recently retired from New York State United Teachers after 35 years of dedicated service in design, computer graphics and photography. Jon will be lovingly remembered by his wife of 27 years, Anne and his children, John Thomas Buckley, Peter Joseph William, Laura Anne and Michael Patrick Richard. Jon was predeceased by his brother, Ralph Thomas Flemming. Relatives and friends may call Sunday 5- 8 p. m. from the Wenk Funeral Home, Chatham. Interment will be in the North Chatham Cemetery. Funeral services in Jons memory will be held Monday 10 a. m. from the St. James R. C. Church in Chatham. Memorials may be made to the Jon R. Flemming Sport Scholarship CO First Niagara Bank, Coleman St. Chatham, N. Y. 12037. For online condolences visitwenkfuneralhome Foti, Theresa Clavio, of New Windsor, entered into rest on May 11, 2015 in St. Lukes Hospital, Newburgh. She was 69. The daughter of the late Joseph Foti and Mary (Lisi) Foti, she was born April 23, 1946 in Newburgh. Theresa was a 1964 graduate of Newburgh Free Academy, and worked as a Bank Teller for Bank of America. She was a loving and caring mother, grandmother, wife and friend who had a zest for life. She will be truly missed. She is survived by her mother, Mary (Lisi) Foti her companion, Phil Masciola her children, Nadine Correa, Dean Clavio and Andrea Clavio of Newburgh her brothers, Dominick Foti and wife Rosemarie of Gardiner, Frank Foti and wife RexAnne of Milton, and Joseph Foti of Newburgh her grandchildren, Jessica, Tyler and Veronica Correa, Raina Canallo, Kevin Babcock, Brianna, Bryan and Christopher Masciola, and Glenn and Adler Bera and nieces and nephews, Vincent and Paul Foti, Greg Ryan, Marcelene Coonan-VanDuzer and Cody VanDuzer. In addition to her father, she was predeceased by nephew, Anthony Coonan, niece Sharon Foti, and son-in-law Everett Correa. Visitation will be held from 5-8 pm on Wednesday, May 13 at Brooks Funeral Home, 481 Gidney Avenue, Newburgh, NY. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 10 am on Thursday, May 14th at Sacred Heart Church, Newburgh, with burial following in Calvary Cemetery, New Windsor. Franchini, Mary F. quotMerequot of Newburgh, N. Y. a Business Recovery Planner for IBM and lifetime resident of the area, entered into rest Monday, September 16, 2002 in Cornwall Hospital. She was 56. The daughter of the late Carmela (Mille) Antonelli and Ralph Franchini, she was born June 12, 1946 in Newburgh. Mary was a graduate of Newburgh Free Academy, a member of Sacred Heart Church and served as a Eucharist minister as well as teaching religious education. She was also a member of the Newburgh Womens Bowling Hall of Fame. Survivors include her brother, Steve Somogyi, and his wife, Donna his mother Marion, of Newburgh sister, Agnes Rotunda of Newburgh and several aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins. The family will receive their friends from 2-4 and 7-9 p. m. Thursday, September 19, at the Brooks-DiDonato Funeral Home, 481 Gidney Ave. Newburgh. The Catholic Daughters Court Patricia 195 will meet at 3 p. m. يوم الخميس. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 9:30 a. m. Friday, September 20 at Sacred Heart Church, Newburgh. Burial will follow in Calvary Cemetery, New Windsor. The family requests in lieu of flowers, contributions on Marys behalf go to the charity of your choice. To send a personal condolence or for directions to the funeral home, please visit Brooks-DiDonato. Gleeson, Theresa Ann - Class of 1964 Gordon, Vincent J. - Class of 1964 Green, Sharon M. Klegg, quotMidgetquot of Syracuse, N. Y. a programmer for IBM Fishkill from 1968 to 1984, died Thursday, June 19, 2003 at Providence Hospital, Washington, DC. She was 57. The daughter of the late Ellen Smith and reared by the late James and Marion Green, she was born September 23, 1945 in Goshen. She was a member of St. Patricks Catholic Church, Newburgh. She was the widow of Troy Klegg. Survivors include her son, Alex Williams of Rockville, Md. daughter, Felicity Harris and her husband, Anthony of Washington DC brothers, Joseph Smith of Ohio, Edward Smith of Otisville, Lincoln Smith of Newburgh sisters, Gladys Smith of Newburgh, Crystal Pringle of New Brunswick, N. J. and Luwana Barringer of Offutt AFB, Neb. two grandchildren and other relatives and friends. She was predeceased by her brother, James Smith. Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p. m. Thursday, June 26 in the Chapel of Rhodes Funeral Home, 259 Walsh Ave. New Windsor. Father Budwick at St. Patricks Church, Grand Street, Newburgh will offer a Mass of Christian Burial at 10:30 a. m. Friday, June 27. Interment will be in the Woodlawn Cemetery, New Windsor. Rhodes Funeral Home, New Windsor entrusted with arrangements. Gross, Alan O. quotOttoquot Alan died in Valdosta, Georgia on July 23, 1986. He was shot in the chest with a 12 gauge shotgun. He was in the process of painting his mothers house when a neighbor walked across the street and shot him in the chest. He died at the scene. Hargraves, James Born July 14, 1946 Died Feb. 9, 2001 in Georgia Harris, Douglas B. quotDougquot died on New Years eve of 1970 at Ft. Hood TX. He was robbed and murdered just prior to going home on holiday leave, but the Army notified his family that he had committed suicide, a fact that was not corrected until years later. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Doug Harris of Newburgh, and was survived by both parents and 4 siblings Hill, Willie Edward Jr. a life long resident of Newburgh, New York, peacefully entered into rest at home surrounded by family on February 19, 2011. He was 66 years old. Willie Hill was born to the late Willie Hill Sr. and Nezzie McNair Hill on January 16, 1945, in Newburgh. Willie was the third of five children. Willie attended Newburgh Free Academy and was a member on Newburgh Free Academy boys basketball team. He was a carpet mechanic and owner of Hills Carpet Installation for the past 35 years. He was a member of the New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, Newburgh. Willie was a loving husband for the past 26 years to Harriet R. Hill. Along with wife, Harriet they opened their home to help raise 55 foster children. Survivors include his daughters, Tarsha Smith (Arak) of Charlotte, NC, Syretta Hill of Newburgh, NY, Theresa Johnson of Maryland sons, William Hill and Tyrone Hill of Newburgh, Andre Hill of Middletown and Anthony Hill of of Charlotte, NC one special niece Theresa Burns one brother, Lawremce Hill Sr. (Gaye) James of Clinton, NC. He also leaves to mourn 15 grandchildren four great-grandchildren host of nephews, nieces, relatives and friends. Willie Hill was predeceased by his parents, Willie E Hill Sr. and Nezzie Hill, and sister, Patricia Hill. Visitation will be held from 10-11 a. m. on Thursday, February 24 at New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, 20 Briggs Way, Newburgh, with Service at 11 a. m. at the church. Reverend Dr. Coleman Briggs officiating. Interment is at Cedar Hill Cemetery, Middle Hope, NY. Arrangements are by Rhodes Funeral Homes, 259 Walsh Ave. New Windsor, NY. Call us anytime at (845)569-1233 Hiten, Richard D. was born on September 17, 1946 and passed away on June 27, 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada after a struggle with esophageal cancer. Dick was a 1964 NFA grad who, shortly after graduation, joined the U. S. Marines and nobly served his country during the Vietnam Conflict. In my minds eye I can still see a teenage Dick Hiten with a big smile on his face, waiting for his friends in front of Vern Hardings store on South Street. He had the confidence of Fonzy, and justifiably so. Dick could do just about anything he set his mind to do. He had a brilliant mind and was an outstanding athlete. I still wish I could play baseball like Dick Hiten. He was my lifelong friend Toms older brother, and I idolized him. By all those who loved, respected, and looked up to him, he is sorely missed. Semper Fi, Dick. Youll always be my hero. - Bill Doderer Hoyer, James R. quotJimquot - Class of 1964 Jamieson, William J. quotBillquot, of Walden, died Friday, August 25, 2006 at home. He was 59 years old. The son of the late William F. Jamieson and Winifred Reese, William was born August 27, 1946 in Newburgh. Family Statement reads: quotWilliams companion of 25 years, Doris Lammers who passed away on August 28, 2006 was Williams desire for life. quot Survivors include three sons, William F. Jamieson of Walden, Dennis Pennenga of Walden, and Scott Lammers of Plattekill one daughter, Dawn Pennenga of Walden two granddaughters, Jamie Matthews and Amanda Pennenga of Walden one brother, Donald Jamieson of the state of Florida two sister, Donna Lewis of the state of Florida, and Robin Mazza of North Carolina as well as several nieces and nephews. Memorial services will be held at Quigley Funeral and Cremation Service, 37 Maple Ave. Rock Tavern, NY 12575 on Saturday, September 2, 2006 at 11 a. m. Arrangements by Quigley Funeral and Cremation Service Jesse, Paul William After NFA, Paul attended OCCC and graduated with an associates degree. He joined the Navy and served his country for four years. Later he received his bachelors degree from Florida State University. He was the national sales manager for Blue Diamond Walnut. He lived in Meriden, Connecticut. An aggressive form of melanoma took his life in 1999. He is survived by his wife, Linda, and two daughters. Paul would frequently return to Newburgh to reminisce. He loved his hometown. Johnson, Karen Christine Valdespino, of Newburgh, a former billing clerk for General Slicing in Wallkill and a lifelong area resident, entered into rest on Tuesday, December 3, 2013 at home. She was 67. daughter of Anna C. (Johnson) Stvrtecki and the late Ralph B. Johnson, she was born on April 14, 1946 in Newburgh. She graduated from NFA in 1964. On February 20, 1997 she married Jaime Valdespino in Newburgh, who survives at home. Due to Karen8217s undying love and compassion for animals, she worked for many years with Friends of Animals, the ASPCA and other animal rescue groups. This was her mission in life. Karen was a kind, creative person with a great sense of humor. With deep sorrow in our hearts we pray she8217s 8220In the arms of the Angels.8221 In addition to her husband, Jaime and her Mom, Anna, Karen leaves behind to cherish her memory, her sister, Barbara L. Webb of Lutz, FL and many other loving family and friends. Memorial visitation will be held from 11-12 pm on Saturday, December 14 at Brooks Funeral Home, 481 Gidney Ave. Newburgh, NY. Kaiser, Rabbi Robert A. quotBobquot, San Francisco, Calif. 56, died Dec. 24, 2003 at home in San Francisco. Born in Newburgh, Rabbi Kaiser graduated from Newburgh Free Academy in 1964, John Hopkins University in 1968 and was ordained at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati in 1973. Rabbi Kaiser served congregations in Lincoln, Neb. and Palm Springs, Calif. prior to moving to San Francisco 25 years ago. He served as Jewish Chaplain in San Quentin Prison for 17 years and chairman of the Chaplains Committee of the Board of Rabbis of Northern California and was active in numerous philanthropic organizations. In addition, he was an executive at Bear, Stearns amp Co. in San Francisco for many years. The funeral was held at Temple Beth Jacob in Newburgh on Jan. 2, 2004 at 1 p. m. with interment at Temple Beth Jacob Cemetery in Newbugh. A memorial service will be held at Temple Emanu-El, 2 Lake St. (at the end of Arguello Street) in San Francisco on Mon. Jan 12, 2004 at 10:30 a. m. Telephone (415) 751-2535. Rabbi Kaiser is survived by his mother, Shirley G. Kaiser of Boca Raton, Fla. and brothers, Dr. Richard Kaiser of West Orange, N. J. and Samuel J. Kaiser of Madison, N. J. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Board of Rabbis of Northern California, 121 Steuart St. Suite 301, San Francisco, CA 94105. Funeral arrangements under the care of Doulin Newburgh Funeral Home Inc. Krol, John quotJanekquot Thaddeus - Class of 1964 Losinno, John - Class of 1964 MacDowell, Sharon - Class of 1964 Marvel, Walter III, 69 of New Windsor, entered into rest on Monday, April 6, 2015 from a long illness with his loving family by his side. He was born at Stewart Field on November 15, 1945 to Walter Marvel Jr. and Rose Simanowski Marvel. Walter was a resident of the area all his life. He was a member of IBEW local 631, IBEW local 636 and the International Brotherhood of Electricians. He attended St. Patricks High School and graduated from N. F.A. in 1964. Walter was a quiet man who enjoyed life his way. He will be sadly missed by his loving family. We want to thank all those at Elant at Meadow Hill who made Walters time with them as happy and peaceful as possible. He is survived by his loving family his mother Rose his wife of 42 years, Joan sons: Ian Marvel and wife, Deidra of Florida and Walter Marvel IV of Newburgh and his sister, Lauren Marvel Traver and husband, George of Walker Valley. A Mass will be held at 10 a. m. on Monday, April 27th in St. Francis of Assisi in Newburgh, with burial following in Calvary Cemetery. Arrangements under the care of Brooks Funeral Home. To send a personal condolence, please visitBrooksfh 845-561-8300. McCarthy, Diana E. Fracasse, of Newburgh, entered into rest on Thursday, April 6, 2006 at home. She was 59. Daughter of the late Francis and Aldea Cembura McCarthy, she was born October 12, 1946 in Newburgh. She married Alfred J. Fracasse on October 12, 1967 in Newburgh, who survives at home. Diana was a graduate of Newburgh Free Academy. In addition to her loving husband, Alfred, she is survived by her daughter, Tammy S. Fracasse her son, Alfred F. Fracasse her grandchildren, Terrance Peterson, Gennesis and Antonio Fracasse, and Lakeia Parker her great - grandchild, Nevaeh Rosa her sister, Sharon Hager of Newburgh and many nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her brother, Francis McCarthy. Services will be private and at the convenience of the family. Arrangements are under the direction of Brooks-DiDonato Funeral Service, Inc. To send a personal condolence, please visit Brooks-Donato or call 845-561-8300. McDowell, Gene - Class of 1964 McElroy, Ila I. quotDollyquot Cavanaugh passed away on Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at home. She was 65. Daughter of the late Dobert McElroy and Betty Valenzano McElroy, she was born on March 5, 1946 in Newburgh. In 1967 she married Eugene Cavanaugh in Newburgh, who survives at home. Dolly was a graduate of Newburgh Free Academy, and a member of Crossroads Assembly of God, Newburgh. Dolly loved the Lord, loved her family, and will be dearly missed. In addition her loving husband and mother, she is survived by two sons, Eugene Cavanaugh, Jr. and his wife, Melinda of Newburgh, and Christian Cavanaugh and his wife, Heather of Marlboro two brothers, Bruce McElroy and his wife, Camille, and Rocky McElroy and his wife, Valerie mother-in-law, Frances Cavanaugh of Newburgh sister-in-law, Paula Angelone and her husband, Pat of Denver, CO a grandson, Johnny Cavanaugh of Marlboro several nieces, nephews, cousins, and three dogs: Pooh Bear, Penelope, and Timmy. Visitation will be held from 5 to 7 p. m. on Thursday, December 8, 2011 at Brooks Funeral Home, 481 Gidney Ave. Newburgh. A funeral service will take place at 10 a. m. on Friday, December 9, 2011 at Crossroads Assembly of God, Newburgh. Burial will follow in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Newburgh. To send a personal condolence or for directions, please visit BrooksFH or call 845-561-8300. McNamara, Francis V. Frank (Mackie) 65, of Beaufort, SC passed away Thursday, April 12, 2012 in Beaufort Memorial Hospital. The family received friends Tuesday, April 17, 2012 from 12:30 - 1:30 P. M. at Anderson Funeral Home. A burial was held at 2 P. M. at Beaufort National Cemetery with full military honors. He leaves behind his five children Glenn, Emily, Danny, Sean and Dylan, along with their mother Nancy Jones, also surviving are two grand-children, Alexia and Ava and his younger brother James McNamara of Hopewell Junction NY. He was predeceased by his sister Karen Helm if Cincinnati, Ohio. He also leaves behind several nieces and nephews. Macie was born July 4, 1946 in Newburgh, NY to the late Frank V. and Frances J. McNamara of Hopewell Junction, NY. He attended Newburgh Free Academy. He served in the U. S. Marine Corps and fought in the Viet Nam War. For several years he worked for the transportation department of the Wappingers Central School District. His love of cars and motorcycles continued throughout his life. On week-end mornings Mac could be found perched reading the paper at the counter of the 84 Diner in Fishkill NY. Francis McNamara (Mackie) passed away at 3:05 pm this afternoon on 4122012 at the Beaufort Memorial Hospital, in Beaufort, SC. Mackie was in the NFA Class of 1964. After HS he joined the Marines along with 6 other Marines in the buddy system, all from NFA. He later married and had 5 children. Finally settling in Beaufort SC, which is near Parris Island in SC. Mackie was predeceased by his sister Karen McNamara Helm NFA class of 1966 Monaco, Florence D. quotFloquot - I Believe Flo died in 1986 after a long illness Moss, Janet Kinsey - Heres information about my great friend, Janet (Moss) Kinsey. Janet died on December 29, 2005, at age 59, just 29 days after being diagnosed with colon cancer just after Thanksgiving. Janet was born July 18, 1946 in Dobbs Ferry, (I believe). She lived in New Windsor until moving to Georgia around 1975. She is survived by her husband Harvey, stepson Harvey Scott his wife and son, stepdaughter Kim and her son and daughter. Naclerio, James James Naclerlo Jr 31, of 300 Lake Dr died of a heart attack this morning. Born in Newburgh, Feb. 16, 1945. he was the son of James and Matilda Seneca Naclerlo. He was married to Letty Brewer. Employed by Newburgh Molding Co. Naclerlo had his own band quotMidnight Imagequot Survivors include his widow, his parents, one son. James III, a stepson Louis Pignataro, one daughter Angela, three brothers Thomas, George and Michael Naclerio, three sisters Michelina Ball, Veronica Chivattoni and Theresa Naclerio, all of Newburgh. Friends may call Saturday and Sunday at the Coloni Funeral Home. Mass will be Monday in Sacred Heart Church. - Born Feb. 16, 1945 Died April 1976 Orphal, Karen S. Hennebeul, passed away on October 30th, 2010 in her 64th year, formerly of Northport, NY, born in Newburgh, NY, October 26, 1946, passed away after a long amp courageous battle with Huntington Disease. Active in the United State Power Squadron for over 25 years. Enjoyed helping out in Girl Scouts and the quotNauxquot. Beloved wife of the late Gerard E. Hennebeul (died 25 June 2010). Loving mother of Pamela S. Hennebeul and Charles G. Hennebeul. Fond sister of Alan Orphal. Devoted cousin of Janice Winkler and Mary Ann Loehr. Reposing Nolan amp Taylor-Howe Funeral Home, 5 Laurel Ave. Northport Tuesday amp Wednesday 7PM to 9PM (only). Funeral Mass Thursday 10AM St. Philip Neri Church, Northport. Interment Parish Cemetery Orsino, Gordon R. 67, of Clermont, NY, passed away on Monday, October 5, 2014 at the Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla, NY. Born on October 12, 1946, in Newburgh, NY, he was the son of the late Dominic and Margaret (Hollenbeck) Orsino. For many years, Gordon worked at Acura of Westchester in Larchmont, NY, as their business development coordinator. Gordon married Theresa Muscarella on 2000 in Mamaroneck, NY and Theresa survives at home in Clermont, NY. In addition to his loving wife, Gordon is survived by his daughter Gia Orsino of Clermont, NY, along with several nieces, nephews and extended family. He was predeceased by two brothers Dominic and Edward Orsino. Friends may call at the Burnett amp White Funeral Homes on Wednesday, October 8, 2014 from 3 to 7 p. m. A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered at 10 a. m. on Thursday, October 9th, 2014 at St. Christophers Church, 7411 S. Broadway, Red Hook, NY. Interment will be at St. Pauls Lutheran Cemetery, Red Hook. Memorial donations may be made in Gordons memory to the Catholic Charities USA, P. O. Box 17066, Baltimore, MD 21297-1066. Arrangements are under the direction of Burnett amp White Funeral Homes 7461 S. Broadway, Red Hook, NY. For directions, or to sign the online guest book, please visit Burnett-White Owens, Peter Ted - Class of 1964 died Sunday, 92511 Ted lived in Florida with his wife Linda. Additional info will be posted as we receive it.. Paglialunga, Vincent quotDannyquot Newburgh, N. Y. a retired corrections officer for Camp Beacon in Fishkill and a former police officer for Newburgh, entered into rest Monday, October 7, 2002 in St. Lukes Hospital, Newburgh. He was 57. The son of the late Vincenzo and Helen Terenzi Paglialunga, he was born March 22, 1945 in Newburgh. Mr. Paglialunga was a graduate of Newburgh Free Academy a parishioner of Sacred Heart Church and member of Bethlehem Rod amp Gun Club. A family statement reads, quotWe love you and you will be missed. You are happily reunited with your family in the Kingdom of Heaven. Released from your suffering, you are safe in the arms of our Heavenly Father. quot Survivors include his wife, Wanda DeLaire Paglialunga at home daughter, Elizabeth Bruno of Newburgh son, Vincent Paglialunga Jr. of Newburgh two brothers, Patrick and Richard of Newburgh two sisters, Diane and Mary both of Newburgh five grandchildren, Nina, Maxine and Luis Bruno Jr. and Michael and Vincent Paglialunga III four stepgrandchildren, Joshua and Rene Pena, Christian Medina and Dennis Castro and several nieces and nephews. Visitation will be held from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. m. Friday, October 11, at the Brooks-DiDonato Funeral Home, 481 Gidney Ave. Newburgh. A funeral service will be offered 8 p. m. Friday evening at the funeral home. A Memorial Mass for Mr. Paglialunga will be celebrated at 9:30 a. m. Saturday, October 12 at Sacred Heart Church, Newburgh. Cremation will be in the Cedar Hill Crematory. To send a personal condolence or for directions to the funeral home, please visit Brooks-DiDonato Peterkin, Thomas Douglas quotTomquot 1964 graduate of NFA. Tom went into the Army after graduating and was killed in Tay Ninh, South Vietnam. He was a SP4. Tom was born 31746 and killed 32167 shortly after his 21st birthday. The above is a picture of Tom at NFA, SJHS. Gardnertown 3rd grade..He was one year ahead of me. Every year on Memorial day my wife and I visit the WALL. One of several guys we visit is Tom. We leave a small laminated note at the WALL every year. There was an old song that always reminded me of him. In the song 20 years ago is now 40 years ago but it still reminds me. I put this together. The one part always reminded me of Tom CLICK HERE Posted by Bill Way 81104 Tom Peterkin was drafted the same time I was, December 1965, and died in April 1967 from enemy fire. I read of his death while I also was in Vietnam. Tom will never be forgotten while his brother vets still walk this earth. Rasmussen, Susan DiStefano - Class of 1964 Posted by Class of 1964 Rhoades, Cheryl E. - Information received that Cheryl died in a car accident while visiting relatives in Michigan Riewe, John quotNelsonquot quotBuddaquot, a clinical psychologist at Brook Army Medical Center, Houston, Texas while in the military, and 58-year area resident, entered into rest on Sat. April 8, 2006 at home. He was 60. The son of the late Herman John and Rita Marie Dexter Riewe, he was born Nov. 30, 1945 in Milwaukee, Wisc. John married Ida Beck on Feb. 14, 1998 at Trinity United Methodist Church, Town of Newburgh. He was in the Bowling League at Pat Tarsio Lanes for 30 years and the American Legion Post 1796, New Windsor for 29 years. Survivors include his loving wife at home two daughters, Garilyn Emig and husband Robert of the Town of Newburgh, Sherilyn Jones and husband Jeffrey of Pine Bush one sister, Vickie Nelson of Texas one brother, Jeff Riewe of Arizona grandchildren, Dianna, Carly, Jeffrey Jones, Ross and Ryan Emig two nieces several great-nieces. He was raised by his maternal grandparents, Leon and Edis Dexter in the Town of Newburgh. They both predeceased John. A Memorial Service for family and friends will be celebrated on Sat. April 15 in the Chapel at the Mausoleum at Cedar Hill Cemetery at 10 a. m. Pastor Charles Gockel of Trinity United Methodist Church, Town of Newburgh will officiate. Cremation will be private and at the convenience of the family. John idolized and gathered various stray animals. He especially loved his adopted cat Tommy who predeceased him last year. Now they are together again. In lieu of flowers, donations made to the Newburgh Animal Shelter, attention: Cheryl Cunningham, 645 Gidney Ave. Newburgh, NY 12550 would be appreciated. Arrangements entrusted to Engel Funeral Home, Inc. 5319 Route 9W (Middlehope), Newburgh. To send a note of condolence or for directions, please visit us at engelfuneralhome Posted by Jeffrey Riewe John is my brother. We have the same father, Herman Riewe and different mothers. My father had mentioned back in my childhood that I had 2 other brothers from a different mother. I found John through a search and he came to Barstow, CA, stayed and visited with my wife and me. John and I got to know one another and quickly realized how much we had in common. I kept in contact with John after our initial visit. When I could not contact John by phone or e-mail, I started to find out something had happened and why we had lost contact. Finally I found this page and found the answer. In the description of family it says he has a brother Jeff in Arizona, That is probably me. Jeffrey Theodore Riewe, Barstow, California. If anyone knows the circumstances surrounding his death, information would be appreciated. We both had a love of animals, both looked like our dad, stood like our dad, and it was nice to find that we in many ways were so much alike. Rubinberg, Bruce 17, of 195 First St. Newburgh NY died inJune of 1963. Funeral services were held for Bruce, who was killed in a car accident on Rt. 9W near West Point. The youth, a junior at Newburgh Free Academy, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rubinberg. Bruce was a junior varsity swimmer at Newburgh Free Academy and customarily a good natured student. When he came to pick up his report card, he seemed to be in a good mood, according to a school spokesman and said that Bruces extra curricular record showed that he had been a member of a travel club. Bruces father operates a hardware store in Newburgh, while Mrs Rubinberg is the owner of Esthers Beauty Shop. Bruce was born in Newburgh on July 11, 1947. Besides his parents, Sam and Esther Feldman Rubinberg, he is survived by his brother David and grandmother Mrs. Mary Rubinberg. Funeral services were conducted by Rabbi Isaac Freeman and burial took place in Agudas Achim Cemetery. 33136. Scheer, David - Class of 1964 Posted by Class of 1964 Schwarze, Nicolina A. quotNikkiquot Died very early on after HS Scott, Foster Joseph Jr. quotJoequot, a longtime resident of the area, passed away on Sunday, February 3, 2013 at his home on Key Biscayne. He was 66. The son of Foster Joseph Scott, Sr. and Bertha Stabler Scott, he was born on October 4, 1946 in Newburgh, NY. Joe was a Distinguished Vietnam War Veteran who served in the United States Air Force. A well-respected businessman, he started his professional career with the Babcock Company. Joe rose through the ranks of GDG to become the CEO. In 1992 Joe established The Foster Company of South Florida, Inc. which has become one of the leading property management companies in the area. Joe, a member of St. Christophers By-the-Sea, served on the Vestry and as Jr. Warden. He was also a Rotarian and a member of Riviera Country Club, the Key Biscayne Yacht Club and Key Biscayne Beach Club. Joe was a beloved husband, father, brother, grandfather and uncle. He is survived by his wife, Karen Ann Scott son, Derek and his wife, Renae of Wallkill, NY daughter, Kelly Chuechunklin and her husband, Bryan of Miami his four grandchildren: Jaden, Paityn, Lexi and Mason his sister, Debbie DeAgostine and her husband, Denny of Wallkill, NY, and many heartbroken nieces, nephews, cousins and friends companion of Bunker, Divot and Birdie. Services will be held on Friday, February 8th, at 3 p. m. at St. Christophers By-the-Sea Episcopal Church, 95 Harbor Dr. Key Biscayne, FL 33149. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations made to one of the following organizations: Wounded Warrior Project, wwphighcap. org In Memory of Foster Joseph Scott, Jr. 560 N. Mashta Dr. Key Biscayne, FL 33149 or University of Miami, ISCI (Stem Cell Research), 1501 NW 10th Ave. 909, Miami, FL 33136. Shrader, Linda Miller of Newburgh and Manhattan, died suddenly Monday, Jan. 3, 2000, in Manhattan. She was 53. The daughter of Jean Miller Shrader and the late William N. Shrader, she was born March 11, 1946, in Newburgh. She graduated from Newburgh Free Academy in 1964, then attended Wilson College in Chambersburg, Pa. graduating in 1968. She also spend time in Washington, D. C. working with Senator Bentsen. She then returned to her career in Manhattan as a Pension Investment Manager for Alliance Capitol. An avid volunteer, she was a tireless worker for the Junior League in Manhattan. She also attended the Brick Church of Manhattan. Survivors include her mother, Jean Shrader of Newburgh one aunt an uncle and several cousins. There will be no public visitation. Funeral services will be held at 10:30 a. m. Friday, Jan. 7, at Union Presbyterian Church, corner of Beech Street and Balmville Road. Pastor Kathi Jones will officiate. Burial will be in Cedar Hill Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be sent to the charity of ones choice. Arrangements are under the direction of White amp Venuto Funeral Home, 188 N. Plank Rd. Newburgh. Sloan, Patricia S. quotPatquot was killed in an auto accident in the mid to later 60s. Stanton, Roger W. Sr. - Class of 1964 Staples, Myron Dunbar was the 6th of 13 children born to the late Reverend Vernon and Gladys Rhoden Staples. Although he was born in Beloit, WI on April 23, 1945, he grew up in Newburgh, NY. A graduate of Newburgh Free Academy, he had dreams of becoming a lawyer. Instead, he went to work (after the death of his father) to support his mother and siblings. He moved to Miami, FL in the early 1970s. He was a truck driver (semi-tractor trailers) for Burdines Department Store. On May 24, 1980 Dunbar married Margaret Singleton Staples. They were blessed with a daughter, Tameika Monet Staples. He was blessed with another daughter, Devin Lashay Staples (Vickie Oliver) and a granddaughter, Ariyanna Victoria Mathes. He was a great photographer and enjoyed taking photos of family events and weddings. He loved watching NFL and basketball games, the History Channel, political talk shows and listening to jazz music. The Lord called him to rest on September 14, 2013. Fond memories will always be remembered by his wife and children his siblings: Herbert Staples (Miami), Calvin Staples (Newburgh), Curtis Staples (Ft. Myers, FL), Kenneth Staples (Portland, OR), Ralph Staples (Newburgh), Debra Ann Staples (Newburgh), Sharon Staples (Miami) a host of nieces, nephews and other family members and friend. HomeGoing Celebration is 11 a. m. Saturday, September 21st at Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church, 11591 SW 220 Street, Goulds, FL 33170. Arrangements entrusted to Jays Funeral Home, 17420 Homestead Ave. Perrine, FL 33157 Local arrangements by Rhodes Funeral Homes, 259 Walsh Ave. New Windsor, NY 12553. Call us any time at 569-1233. Stepski, Leo Joseph Margaretville, N. Y died August 11, 2005 at Westchester Medical Center in Valhalla. He was 60. The son of Leo E. Stepski and Catherine Berard Stepski, he was born August 4, 1945 in Cornwall. Leo was an auto parts clerk in Newburgh and Arkville, and most recently a shuttle bus driver for Belleayre Mountain Ski Center. He was a member of the Arkville Fire Department. Leo had a great sense of humor and enjoyed people. He played on a softball league in Newburgh and on the Delaware and Ulster Horseshoe League. He was an active supporter of girls athletics at M. C.S. Survivors include his daughter, Katherine Marie Stepski of Arkville former wife and friend, Liz McDaniels of Arkville two sisters Katherine quotToniequot McCauley of Branford, Conn. Ina and husband Hank Hamblin of Marlboro several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by one sister, Frances Smith of Newburgh. Calling hours will be held from 7 to 9 p. m. Monday, August 15 at Hynes Funeral Home, Margaretville. Funeral services will be held at 11 a. m. Tuesday, August 16 at the funeral home with the Rev. Joon Woo Lee officiating. Burial will follow in Margaretville Cemetery. In memory of Leo Stepski, contributions may be made to the Margaretville Central School Booster Club. Arrangements by Hynes Funeral Home. Stewart, Nellie Ruth - On this day, we honor the life of Ms. Nellie Ruth Stewart, born November 29, 1946 in Roxboro, North Carolina. She was the daughter of the late Anderson and Helen Stewart. Nellie moved from Roxboro, North Carolina in 1957 to Newburgh, New York. She attended Newburgh Free Academy, in Newburgh, New York and she worked at the Regal Bag Company in Newburgh, New York for several years. Nellie was also a homemaker and spent her spare time at the Elant Day Program. Nellie entered into rest on Tuesday, January 21, 2014, at the Kent Nursing Home, in Kent, Connecticut. She was effectively known by her captivating, genuine, infectious smile and carried the nickname quotBoo. quot She was one of the founding members of the Empowerment Temple International Ministry under the leadership of Apostle Almetra Murdock. Nellie enjoyed spending time with her grandchildren, she loved to cook and sing. One of her favorite songs was, quotJesus is on the Main Linequot. Boos favorite pastime was to chew Bubble Yum Bubble Gum. She leaves to cherish her memories: three sons, David and Darryl Stewart, Charles Burks three daughters, Lisa and Sharon Williams, Pinky Stewart 29 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren five brothers, Richard Oliver of Newark, NJ, Lewis Stewart of Cincinnati, OH, Doug Stewart of Chadbourn, NC, Henry Stewart of Rockland County, NY, and Nathaniel Stewart of Spring Valley, NY. She also had a host of cousins, nieces, nephews, family and friends. Two sisters and a brother predeceased her: Mary and Rose Stewart, and Anderson Stewart. Nellie Ruth will lay in repose 11 a. m. to 12 noon Saturday, February 1, at First United Methodist Church, 245 Liberty Street Newburgh, NY. Services noon at the church. Pastor Murdock of Empowerment Temple officiating. Cremation at the convenience of the family. Professional services entrusted to Rhodes Funeral Homes, 259 Walsh Avenue, New Windsor, NY 12553 Taylor, Arthur Z. Jr. quotArtiequot quotGovquot 35. of 127 Benkard Ave, Newburgh, NY died Monday 1101982 in St. Lukes Hospital. He was born in Newburgh NY. Dec. 8, 1946. son of Arthur Z. and Agnes Kovarovic Taylor Sr. He was married to Christine DiEduardo. A lifelong area resident, Taylor was a bartender at OMaras Tavern, New Windsor, a member of St. Francis Church and the Quassaick Fire Department. Survivors include his widow his parents of New Windsor and daughter, Mince Lynn Taylor of New Windsor. and one sister, Mrs. Walter (Arlene) Ryan of New Windsor. Friends may call today at Toohey Bros. Funeral Chapel Mass will be Thursday In St. Francis Church. Posted by Christine Martini I was married to Arthur Taylor, My name is Christine DiEduardo. Artie passed away on 1101982. He had one daughter Aimee Taylor Titanic, Harold - of Plattekill, NY entered into rest January 12, 2013 at home. He was 68. He was born October 30, 1944 in New Windsor, NY, the son of the late John and Margaret McGuigan Titanic. He served in the U. S. Army from 1964-1966. Survivors include one brother, Robert Titanic of Wallkill several nieces and nephews. A Funeral Service will be held Monday, February 11th at 9:30 a. m. at St. Josephs Church in Middletown. Burial will be private in Calvary Cemetery. Arrangements are under the care of Christian D. Garrison of the Doulin Newburgh Funeral Home, Inc. 845-562-0068. Townsend, Paula Shay - Class of 1964 Troy, Roger 64, of Middletown, N. Y. passed unexpectedly January 9, 2010. Roger was born in Buckinghamshire, England December 16, 1945. He spent the majority of his childhood residing in Newburgh, N. Y. In 1964, Roger graduated from Newburgh Free Academy. Upon graduation, he enlisted in the armed forces where he proudly served his country. Roger was honorably discharged from the Air National Guard of Idaho and the Reserve of the United States Air Force May of 1972. He then pursued a career in HVAC maintenance until his retirement in 2006. Roger found a profound pleasure in lifes simple pleasures. He was not a man of material things. He was an avid outdoorsman and so loved the solitude and peacefulness of nature itself. He had a passion for any and all types of outdoor recreation. Hiking, rafting, and camping were amongst his favorites. Roger was preceded in death by his mother Celia Troy and sister Cynthia Troy. He is survived by his father Norman Troy his sister Norma Troy his brother Paul Troy and wife Joan, as well as many nieces and nephews. Roger also leaves behind three daughters Rogina Troy, Amber Gusewelle and husband LCDR Timothy Gusewelle and Stephanie Troy who will always cherish his memories. He is also survived by grandchildren Braden Troy Wilson, Wyatt Gusewelle, Sydney Gusewelle, and Joshua Gusewelle. Additionally, Roger is survived by stepdaughter Tammy Biagi and husband Tim Biagi and their children, as well as Trisha White and her children. Rogers daughters wish to express heartfelt gratitude for the love expressed both in life and death by his two lifelong friends Pete and Carol Broker of Middletown, N. Y. A private family viewing was held January 15. A celebration of Rogers life will take place at the Orange County Veterans Memorial Cemetery in Goshen, N. Y. August 2010. A portion of his ashes will be buried in the cemetery, while the remainder will be spread across the Boise foothills he so often hiked. Turner, Timothy Robert R. quotTimquot - Austin, Texas 56, died Saturday May 24, 2003 of cancer in Austin, Texas, where he had lived for the past three decades. Tim was an avid golfer, runner and fan of most sports, especially baseball, which he played in high school and college. He was know for his lightning-quick wit and non-stop sense of humor, constantly in evidence to the delight and entertainment of all who knew him. Tim will be remembered as a person who always met the world with a smile and a joe. The son of Julia and Stanley Turner Jr. Tim was born December 19, 1946 in Ngh, N. Y. Tim graduated from Newburgh Free Academy and earned a Bachelors Degree at the State University of New York in Cortland University in Austin. He served as a Navigator and Weapons Systems Officer in the United States Air Force in North Dakota, Thailand and Texas and in the Air Force Reserves when he settled in Austin. In addition to Reserves duty flying F-4 Phantoms, Tim worked was a real estate appraiser and taught mathematics at Park College in Austin. He retired from the Air Force Reserve as a Lieutenant Colonel. Tim is survived by his mother, Julia Turner of Newburgh wife, Martha Wilson Turner, DDS of Austin and beloved stepson, Rud Nast of Austin, as well as aunts, Edith Turner of Newburgh, Clara Turner of Newburgh and Kathleen Krumenauer of Hendersonville, N. C. in addition to several cousins, nieces, nephews, and Shadow the family dog. A Memorial Mass will be celebrated at the Church of Saint Mary, 180 South St. in Newburgh at 10:30 a. m. on the 3rd of June. In Austin, a memorial celebration of Tims life will be held in July. In lieu of flowers, Jennifer Hall (512-656-0429) is accepting contributions to erect a memorial bench in Tims name on the Town Lake Hike and Bike Trail in Austin, his favorite running trail. Alternatively, contributions can be made to the organization Rails to Trials, or to the reconstruction fund of the Church of St. Mary. Local arrangements by the Brooks-DiDonato Funeral Home. VanDuzer, Rosemary of the Town of Newburgh, N. Y. a longtime area resident, died Sunday, August 5, 2001, in St. Lukes Hospital, Newburgh. She was 55. The daughter of Meta W. Holub and the late Earle C. VanDuzer, she was born April 8, 1946, in New York, N. Y. She was a graduate of Orange County Community College and Mt. St. Mary College in Newburgh. Survivors include her mother, Meta W. Holub, with whom she resided, at home one sister, Patricia Vogan of Derby, N. Y. and several nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her father, Earle C. VanDuzer. Visiting will be from 10 to 11 a. m. today, Tuesday, August 7, at the Perrott-Berardinelli Home For Funerals Inc. One Grand Avenue, Newburgh, where services will be held at 11 a. m. with Rev. Frank Wilhelm officiating. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery, New Windsor. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in her memory to Town of Newburgh Volunteer Ambulance Corps or Hospice of Orange in the Hudson Valley. Arrangements by Perrott-Berardinelli Home for Funerals, Newburgh. Vradenburgh, Robert - Born July 29, 1946 Died Oct 4, 1987 in Newburgh Wheeler, Louisea McNeill Born July 18, 1945 Died July 8, 1992 in Newburgh Woodhull, Thomas C. - Class of 1964 Zambito, Francis E. quotFrankquot 62, of Highland, NY, passed away Friday, October 10, 2008, after a long battle with cancer surrounded by his loved ones at his home. Born in Orlando, FL, he was the son of the late Dr. Salvatore and Elizabeth (Gaffney) Zambito. He was retired from IBM, Poughkeepsie, after 20 years of service. Mr. Zambito was a member of the Town of Lloyd Rod amp Gun Club, he was an artist and avid fisherman. Survivors include his wife, Sandy Fanizzi Zambito daughter, Gina Marie Zambito and boyfriend, Jon Grote of Highland son, Steven and wife, Kristin Zambito of Ulster Park brother, S. Stephen Zambito and wife, Barbara of Marlboro and Michael J. And wife, Janna Zambito of Bloomingburg grandchildren, Tyler and Dylan Zambito. He was predeceased by two sons, Frankie Zambito and Baby Anthony brother, William Zambito, and sister, Mary Jane Zambito McGinness. Friends may call today, Sunday, October 12, from 4-8 p. m. At The DiDonato Funeral Service, Inc. 1290 Route 9W, Marlboro, NY. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Monday, October 13, at 10 a. m. At St. Marys Church, Route 9W, Marlboro, with Father Edward Bader officiating. Burial will take place at St. Marys Cemetery, Lattintown Rd. Marlboro, NY. Posted by Janelle Cleary Stony. He was a classy guy, and a wonderful person. I remember him well from high school he was a senior when our class came in as sophmores, but he was one of the nicest, friendliest, funniest guys I knew. - Please Help if you know of others or have information..Expert Business Brokers Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois Sell Or Buy A Business The Smart Way When it comes to selling the business that you have built from day one, you8217ll want to work with a trusted group of business brokers and M038A advisors. When you determine that it8217s time to 8216sell my business8217, business intermediaries from Sunbelt Midwest will work on your behalf throughout the entire process. Our firm offers local services to both business buyers and sellers alike. 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For more information on a specific area of Sunbelt Midwest Business Brokers follow any of these links:About the Center Introduction Our mission: to preserve and present significant images of railroading. The Center for Railroad Photography amp Art has become America8217s foremost organization for interpreting the intersection of railroad art and culture with America8217s history and culture. We have achieved that status through successful publications (especially our journal, Railroad Heritage ), exhibitions, conferences, and an online web portal (railroadheritage. org ) that features the best of railroad photography and art coupled with descriptive summaries that enhance understanding of railroad history, technology, and artistry. The portal8217s 8220railroad history in a nutshell8221 gives a broad overview, in 30 pictures or less, with capsule discussions. We intend to continue to be the leader in the Railroad Heritage community8217s visual world through our exhibitions, publications, conferences, and railroadheritage. org and we intend to continue informing the railroad community and the public that railroads changed the world. The Center, founded in 1997, works with photographers, writers, and historians across the country to achieve its goals, although its home is in Madison, Wisconsin. Since we do not maintain a museum space but collaborate with other institutions, we use the majority of our resources for creative programs, not for maintenance and salaries. Our railroadheritage. org program collaborates with photographers, writers, historians, and other institutions. They help find and describe images for the site, and assist as well in providing material for our journal and exhibitions. Railroadheritage. org went online in September 2007. The types of images on the site range from the familiar and the grand to the unfamiliar and the humble8211always of good quality and painstakingly described. The Lake Forest (Illinois) College library8217s special collections department continues as a strong partner. Since the beginning, the Center8217s goal has been to offer high quality public programs associated with photography and art works in all media. Our mission was stated in Railroad Heritage No. 1, 2000: 8220Through the preservation and presentation of art and photography, the Center offers a new and unprecedented view of the railroad8217s influence on American culture.8221 Our journal, Railroad Heritage , provides a written record of historic and contemporary work in railroad photography and art. The two latest issues have broken new ground. No. 17 is about women in railroading with Shirley Burman as guest editor. No. 18, 8220Railroading Journeys,8221 is a retrospective devoted to the life and times of Lucius Beebe and Charles Clegg, whose books changed the way Americans think about8211and look at8211railroads and railroading. Our next issue will focus on the photographic accomplishments of famed railroad artist Ted Rose, known mostly for his astonishing watercolors but an excellent photographer as a youth and young man. Our first exhibition, 8220Railroads and Photography: 150 Years of Great Images,8221 opened in 1999 at Railfair at the California State Railroad Museum. The exhibition since has traveled to Altoona, Pennsylvania Madison, Wisconsin Lake Forest, Illinois Champaign, Illinois St. Louis, Missouri Carson City and Ely, Nevada and Kennesaw, Georgia. In 2006, a productive year overall, the Center expanded its exhibitions program. We presented 8220Railroads and the American Landscape: Ted Rose Paintings and Photographs,8221 at Marquette University, Milwaukee, and the California State Railroad Museum in Sacramento. 8220The Last Steam Railroad in America: Railroad Photographs of O. Winston Link8221 in collaboration with Thomas H. Garver at the Southeast Missouri Regional Museum, Cape Girardeau. The Ted Rose exhibition reopens May 17, 2008, at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania in Strasburg. Other 2008 exhibitions have included 8220Locomotion and the Good Life: The Railroad Photography of O. Winston Link8221 at the California State Railroad Museum in Sacramento and 8220It8217s Work: 150 Years of Railroad Workers at Work8221 at the Carnegie Arts Center in Alliance, Nebraska. Our annual conference, 8220Conversations about Photography,8221 and awards program, both established in 2003, set the pace for national discussion about contemporary railroad photography and encouragement of young photographers to become a part of the community. Lake Forest College8217s archives and special collections department acts as a co-sponsor and hosts the conference. In 2006, conferences in Milwaukee and College Station, Texas, celebrated the centennial of the diesel locomotive and provided insights about its visual impact on the landscape of railroading. Our national reach expanded in 2003 with 8220Representations of Railroad Work, Past and Present,8221 a three-year program with major support from the North American Railway Foundation. The Center created seven photography exhibits that have been displayed on the east and west coasts and at eleven locations in between. Venues included Grand Central Terminal in New York City and the Wisconsin State Capitol in Madison. It8217s Work, a summary report, features memorable photographs from these exhibits. We have explored visually the story of the people who built the railroads, rail by rail, sometimes using their own words. As these exhibitions continue to tour and as other individuals and institutions pick up the story, long-term impacts multiply. Thousands of people across the country have seen our exhibits8217 provocative images and have learned from their informative captions about railroads, workers, and photography8211and the impacts of all three. This web site, railphoto-art. org, vigorously supports all of the Center8217s programs, and makes significant contributions to the visual record of railroading through its galleries and expanding presence. Our next years promise to make an even greater impression on the visual heritage of railroading, carrying the story of railroads8217 importance and heritage to ever-widening audiences in the age of digital expansion. The Center, incorporated in 1997 as a nonprofit Wisconsin organization, has received 501(c)3 status from the U. S. Internal Revenue Service. The Donnelley and Lee Library at Lake Forest (Illinois) College serves as the Center8217s archive. The Center8217s quarterly journal, Railroad Heritage . is mailed to donors of 50 or more a year. Send gifts to 313 Price Place, Suite 13, Madison, WI 53705-3262 8220Historic Photos Enter Digital Age,8221 Trains magazine, February 2008, page 66. 8220Center Launches Internet Archive8211railroadheritage. org,8221 Railway amp Locomotive Historical Society Newsletter, Fall 2007, pages 22-24. CTC Board Railroads Illustrated featured the exhibit, 8220Still a World Apart: Visual Profiles of Contemporary Railroaders,8221 in its September 2005 issue. The Chicago Tribune covered the Center in 8220Double Exposure, Photo Collection Captures the Growth of Railroads and Film,8221 an article which appeared in the transportation section Sunday, September 15, 2002. In Chicago editions, the article appeared on pages 1 and 5 of section 12. 8220Back On Track8221 in Lake Forest College8217s Spectrum Magazine (Spring 2006, pages 14-15) reports that 8220Railfan Sayre Kos 821707 transfers to Lake Forest College after attending a railroad photography conference on campus.8221 Duluth amp Northeastern steam locomotive at Cloquet, Minnesota. Made in 1962 by John Gruber, Center cofounder, the photograph has served as a symbol for the Center. Directors and Officers The Board of Directors for the Center for Railroad Photography amp Art at the offices of Kalmbach Publishing Company in Waukesha, Wisconsin, during the board8217s annual meeting in 2015. From left to right: Scott Lothes, Kevin Keefe, Michael Schmidt, Norm Carlson, Michael Valentine, Richard Tower, John Gruber, Nona Hill, Al Louer, Bon French, Jeff Brouws, and David Kahler. Not pictured: Roger Grant and Peter Mosse. T. Bondurant French, Glen Ellyn, Illinois, Chairman Bon French is the Executive Chairman of Adams Street Partners, one of the largest and oldest managers of private equity investment in the world. Begun in 1972, Adams Street has offices in Chicago, New York, Menlo Park, London, Singapore, Beijing, and Tokyo. Bon is a Trustee of Northwestern University and chairman emeritus of the Chicago History Museum. He is a member of the CFA Institute and a former director of the National Venture Capital Association. A life long rail enthusiast and photographer, Bon has photographed over 650 railroads and shortlines, principally in the United States and Canada. Bon worked as a brakeman for the Soo Line Railroad during the summers while earning an MBA from Kellogg Graduate School of Management. Jeff Brouws, Stanfordville, New York Jeff Brouws, born in San Francisco in 1955, has pursued photography since age 13. Over the ensuing 40 years, Brouws has compiled a visual survey of America8217s cultural landscape. Besides being instrumental in helping organize our yearly conference, Brouws brings knowledge of 20th century photography and a broad background in publishinghis seven books include monographs on the works of Richard Steinheimer and Jim Shaughnessy, as well as Approaching Nowhere (2006), a compilation of his own imagery of America8217s evolving suburban and urban landscapes. His photographs can be found in numerous collections such as the Whitney Museum of American Art, the San Francisco Museum of Art, and Harvard8217s Fogg Museum. Norman Carlson, Lake Forest, Illinois Norm Carlson spent 34 years with Arthur Andersen, the last ten as the worldwide managing partner of the transportation industry practice he began his second career as an independent consultant following his first retirement in 2000. Among his assignments was being chairman of the board of RailWorks and being a railroad trustee on two occasions during the regulatory review period. He is president of the Shore Line Interurban Historical Society and managing editor of its publication First amp Fastest moderator of the Sandhouse Group, the monthly railroad discussion group of the Transportation Center at Northwestern University and past president of the East Troy Railroad Museum. He has number of publication credits and his photographic work has been published. Norm served in the First Infantry Division in Vietnam and was awarded the Bronze Star for meritorious service. He is a graduate of the University of Illinois. H. Roger Grant, Clemson, South Carolina H. Roger Grant, Kathryn and Calhoun Lemon Professor of History at Clemson University, is an active writer of railroad history. Included in his publications are company histories of the Chicago amp North Western, Chicago Great Western, Erie Lackawanna, Georgia amp Florida, and Wabash railroads. Some of Grants recent books are Visionary Railroader: Jervis Langdon, Jr. and the Transportation Revolution (Indiana, 2008), Twilight Rails: The Final Era of Railroad Building in the Midwest (Minnesota, 2010), Railroads and the America People (Indiana, 2012), and The Louisville, Cincinnati amp Charleston Rail Road: Dreams of Linking North and South (Indiana, 2014). He is a native of Albia, Iowa, and taught at the University of Akron for 26 years before he joined the History Department at Clemson. Grant has had a lifelong interest in railroads, sparked in part by the trains of the Burlington, the Minneapolis amp St. Louis, and the Wabash that served his hometown. John Gruber, Madison, Wisconsin, Founder and Past President John Gruber is founder of the Center for Railroad Photography amp Art and previously served as president and editor of its journal, Railroad Heritage . He has been a free-lance railroad photographer since 1960, and he received awards from the Railway 038 Locomotive Historical Society in 1994 for lifetime achievement in photography and in 2009 for an article, 8220Railroading Journeys,8221 about the life, times, and photography of Lucius Beebe and Charles Clegg. He is contributing editor to Classic Trains . author of Classic Steam (2009), and co-author of Caboose (2001), Travel by Train, the American Railroad Poster (2002), Railway Photography (2003), and Milwaukee Road8217s Hiawathas (2006). He edited Vintage Rails magazine from 1995 to 1999. Nona Hill, Madison, Wisconsin, Treasurer Nona Hill has been a rail enthusiast her entire life, having grown up next to the Milwaukee-Watertown-Madison line in Wisconsin. She and Clark Johnson, her husband, operate High Iron Travel, operator of the Caritas, the most widely traveled private car in America. Clark is on the board of directors of Iowa Pacific Holdings, which operates several short lines in the west, and the American Association of Private Railroad Car Owners. He is a former science adviser to the science committee of the U. S. House of Representatives. Nona is treasurer of Pro-Rail, a Madison-based passenger advocacy group, and vice-president of WISARP, the Wisconsin chapter of the National Association of Railroad Passengers. David Kahler, Pittsboro, North Carolina, Vice President David Kahler has practiced architecture for more than 30 years and has been recognized by his peers as a Fellow of the American Institute of Architects. After serving as the president of Kahler Slater Architects, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for nearly three decades, Mr. Kahler founded DK Consulting in 2001 and serves as president and design adviser. Many projects for which he has been the design principal have won awards, including the Milwaukee Art Museum, Wisconsin State Capitol Restoration, the Haggerty Museum of Art at Marquette University, and the Pettit National Ice Center. The Milwaukee Landmark Lighting project received a national urban design award from the American Institute of Architects. Kevin P. Keefe, Waukesha, Wisconsin Kevin P. Keefe was born in Chicago in 1951 and graduated from Michigan State University8217s School of Journalism in 1973. At MSU, he was a key figure in the effort to restore Pere Marquette steam locomotive 1225. He has worked for daily newspapers in Michigan and Wisconsin, and as an associate editor and editor-in-chief (1992-2000) of Trains. He became associate publisher in 2000, and, since 2005 he has been vice-president-editorial and publisher for Trains8217 parent, Kalmbach Publishing Co. Waukesha, Wisconsin. Albert O. Louer, Williamsburg, Virginia A native of Highland Park, Illinois, the Chicago amp North Western nurtured Louer8217s interest in transportation and railroads. He was graduated from Lake Forest Academy and the College of William and Mary with a concentration in history. He started at Colonial Williamsburg in 1968, moving to Mystic Seaport in Connecticut and the Indianapolis Museum of Art. He returned to Colonial Williamsburg in 1982 as Director of Public Relations. In 1991, he moved into fundraising, first as Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations and now as Senior Director for Major Gifts. His interests and collections are in how the railroads developed marketing techniques and advanced the art and science of promotion. Peter J. C. Mosse, New York, New York Peter Mosse grew up in England where he witnessed the end of the steam era on British Railways. Following steams demise in 1968, he started traveling abroad to ride and photograph surviving steam and traditional railroads elsewhere. Over the ensuing forty years he visited more than fifty countries in that pursuit. In 1980, on impulse, he purchased a railroad painting and thus started what is now a collection of more than 150 railroad-themed, original works of art. Mosse has an MA degree from Oxford University and an MBA from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He worked in London and Kuala Lumpur for the UK Rothschild banking group before moving to New York in 1977 to set up a precious metals trading subsidiary, and he has lived in New York since then. He is treasurer of the Brasenose College Charitable Foundation (Oxford), serves on the audit and beneficiaries committees of St Georges Society of New Yorkthe states oldest charityand is a past international president of the Circumnavigators Club, which was founded in New York in 1902. Michael P. Schmidt, Owosso, Michigan, Secretary Schmidta collector of railroad photographs and paintingsis an orthopedic surgeon. In 1984 he moved to Michigan to complete his training in orthopedic surgery and has been in private practice in Owosso almost continuously since 1990. He is Vice Chief of Staff, Chief of Surgery, and serves on the board of trustees of his hospital. He is Assistant Regional Clerkship Director for the Central Michigan University School of Medicine. His interest in the images of railroading dates back to his days in Los Angeles where he and his brother rode bicycles the 20 miles to LAUPT to wander the platforms and get what pictures they could. Schmidt continues to photograph, draw, and paint railroad subjects. He collects railroad photographs, especially by photographers in the transitional period of the 1940s through the 1960s, and has started to acquire commissioned and noncommissioned paintings. Richard Tower, San Francisco, California Richard Tower is President of the Candelaria Fund, a private family foundation making grants supporting self-help programs to combat poverty and community-based organizations that preserve local history and culture. His career includes management stints with Amtrak and Southern Pacific, an executive position with Smith Barney Harris Upham amp Co. and rail consulting work. He has served as Vice-President and Treasurer of the Cumbers amp Toltec Scenic Management Corporation, and he has served on the boards of the Bay Area Electric Railroad Association and Western Railway Museum, Friends of the Cumbers amp Toltec Scenic Railroad, BritRail Travel International, and the San Francisco Embarcadero YMCA. Michael Ross Valentine, Ferndale, Michigan Michael Ross Valentine is Vice-President and Co-Principal Valentine Robotics Inc. of Sterling Heights, Michigan. He also serves as adjunct faculty for robotics at several local colleges, and serves on the academic advisory board for Macomb Community College8217s M-TEC education facility. Valentine Robotics was founded in 1996, and specializes in robotics and automation system programming, training and integration. He previously worked for the BNSF Railway and UPS. Valentine lived and studied at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, and is an avid photographer in the U. S. and abroad. He has written articles and had photos published in Trains, CTC Board, and foreign publications. He lives in the Detroit area with his wife Agnes from Austria, and their adopted daughter Maya Xia Shen Valentine from China. Scott Lothes, President and Executive Director, scottlothes Scott Lothes became the Center8217s full-time executive director in 2011, after serving on its staff part-time since 2008. In 2013 he succeeded John Gruber as president and editor of the Center8217s journal, Railroad Heritage . Fascinated by railroads from birth, Lothes grew up watching coal trains in West Virginia. He took up photography while attending college at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, where he was graduated magna cum laude in 2002 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. To date more than 300 of his photographs have appeared in print, along with forty bylined articles in magazines including Trains . Classic Trains . Railfan amp Railroad . and Railroads Illustrated . as well as two front-page travel stories in the Sunday Oregonian . Portland, Oregon8217s leading newspaper. Lothes won the Trains and Canon photography contest in 2003, tied for first place in the Center8217s 2006 Creative Photography Awards Program, and in 2008 staff at Trains selected one of his photos for inclusion in its 8220100 Greatest Railroad Photos8221 special issue. He presented at the Center8217s 2008 conference, and he has made numerous multimedia presentations at Winterail, Summerail, the Autumn Leaf Slideshow, and Beecherfest. Prior to joining the Center, Lothes spent three years as assistant editor of the engineering magazine Sound amp Vibration and two years as an English teacher at a high school in Hokkaido, Japan. He has also lived in Oregon and traveled extensively in Vietnam and China. Since moving to Wisconsin, he has undertaken a project to document the railroads of the Upper Mississippi River Valley, where he enjoys hiking and camping with his wife, Maureen Muldoon. Jordan Radke, Archives Manager Jordan Radke began interning for the Center in January 2014, where his first project was processing the 47,000 color slides in the Fred M. Springer Collection. Radke completed his master8217s degree from the University of Wisconsin8217s School of Library and Information Studies in May 2014 and joined the Center full-time as its first archives manager in January 2015. His previous archiving experience includes work at the Wisconsin Historical Society and Engineering Hall of the University of Wisconsin. He received a bachelor8217s degree in history from UW-Madison with a certificate in European Studies. An avid fan of all UW athletics and London8217s Arsenal soccer team, Radke was co-captain of his high school travel soccer team and continues to enjoy recreational soccer in Madison. Working with the Center8217s collections has piqued his interest in railroads and especially their relationships with landscapes and cities. Libraries with online railroad image collections include: John W. Barriger III National Railroad Library University of Missouri-St. Louis, Thomas Jefferson Library Building, 1 University Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri 63121-4499, 314-516-7253 The CSRM Library provides public access to the museum8217s documentary collections. The Library is located next to the Museum of Railroad History on the second floor of the Big Four Building. The reading room is open to the public without charge Tuesday through Saturday from 1 to 5 p. m. Cleveland State University Library Rhodes Tower Room 320, 2121 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115, 216-687-2449 The Nickel Plate Railroad collection consists of files, drawings, and images of the railroad, especially as it passes through Cleveland. A general NKP Collection contains some small panoramic negatives of NKP views and Gerald Adams donated two albums of photos and many boxes of NKP drawings. In addition, the North American Railway Foundation underwrote the purchase of two other collections of Nickel Plate photographic negatives, one being from the company8217s publicity department and the other from the personal collection of the late Mr. John A. Rehor, author of The Nickel Plate Story. While most of the material is unprocessed, NARF is funding preliminary work on the Nickel Plate and the Newburgh amp South Shore collections. Denver Public Library 10 W. Fourteenth Ave. Pkwy. Denver, Colorado 80204, 303-640-6200 The online collection contains 50,000 images of Native Americans, pioneers, early railroads, mining, Denver, and Colorado towns. Photographers of interest to railroad historians are listed here. Photographer, Subjects Photographed, Call number or name George Beam, Railroads, Pueblo Indians, GB1 William H. Jackson, The American West, W H Jackson Louis McClure, Architecture and Industry, MCC 1 Otto Perry, Railroads 1915 to 1955, OP1 Robert Richardson, Narrow Gauge Railroads, RR1 Historic photographs in the James J. Hill, Louis W. Hill, Reed Hyde, and L. Dorcy manuscript collections are available online. As part of the Hill Manuscript collection, the library houses more than 8,000 images that span a century of economic development in the American Northwest and Western Canada. Each image is available for purchase. Lake Forest College Lake Forest, Illinois 60045-2399, 847-735-5064 The Donnelley and Lee Library lists photos, mostly from the 19th century, in the Munson Paddock Collection. The library is named for Eliott Donnelley (1904-1975), a notable railroad enthusiast, modeler, preservationist, and book collector. Museum of the Rockies 600 West Kagy Blvd. Bozeman, MT 59717-2730 The Museum of the Rockies has more than 20,000 photographs by Ron V. Nixon, made from 1916 to his death in 1989. The collection also contains records, correspondence and historical writings that span the steam, diesel, and electric eras in several states and Canada. There are 9,763 images and data records entered as of January 5, 2007. Nixon8217s first published photograph was in Railway Age magazine in 1930, and later his work appeared in magazines, newspapers, rail company posters, advertisements, and calendars. He retired in 1975 as manager and wire chief for the Northern Pacific Relay Division in Missoula, Montana. Web site devoted to railroad political cartoons, 1850-1940. The site contains hundreds of cartoons, with sources and some brief descriptions. High quality copies are available to interested parties. The cartoons come from the private collection of Mark Aldrich, the Marilyn Carlson Nelson professor of economics emeritus at Smith College. Aldrich is the author of several railroad-related books, including Death Rode the Rails: American Railroad Accidents and Safety, 1828-1965 . Frederick R. Parsons and Andrew B. Duncan operated the Parsons Palace Car Photo Company, St. Louis. Parsons maintained a studio at 1407 Market St. St. Louis, in the 1890s. Duncan was official photographer for the Frisco railroad for ten years, settling in Springfield, Missouri, in 1903. This may be the car he used on the Frisco does anyone have details John Gruber CollectionWelcome to MoSAIC, a STEMARTCULTURE Project What is MoSAIC Bridges 2013-zome and felt polyhedral sculptures MoSAIC was a collaborative effort sponsored and funded by MSRI (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute) and administered by the Bridges organization. نخلق معا سلسلة من المؤتمرات والمهرجانات الصغيرة متعددة التخصصات حول الروابط الرياضية في العلوم والفنون والصناعة والثقافة، والتي عقدت في الكليات والجامعات في جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة والخارج من خريف عام 2014 حتى ربيع عام 2016. شكر وتقدير دعمت مؤسسة مسيس مشروع الوزارة وذلك باستخدام الأموال التي قدمتها مؤسسة سيمونس بسخاء. تقدر الجسور سخاء العديد من المتكلمين، والمنظمين المحليين، والمشاركين التي جعلت هذه الأحداث نجاحا. نشكر متحف إيلا شارب في جاكسون، ميشيغان لمساعدتهم في كونها موطن المعرض الفني السفر. A special thanks goes to the following artists who had artwork that traveled as a part of the art exhibition: Ellie Baker Chris Bathgate sarah-marie belcastro Bob Bosch Vladimir Bulatov David Chappell Chern Chuang Francesco de Comite Manual Diaz Reguiero Robin Endelman Robert Fathauer Loe Fejis Paul Gailiunas Faye Goldman S. Louise Gould George Hart Craig Kaplan Margaret Kepner Dmitri Kozlov Kevin Lee Martin Levin Gabrielle Meyer Mike Naylor Istvn Orosz Elizabeth Paley Chris Palmer David Press Bob Rollings Reza Saranghi Nick Sayers Horst Schaefer Henry Segerman Carlo Sequin Peter Sittner Bruce Torrence Thomas van Lankveld Koos Verhoeff Rick Weber Phil Webster Lilian Wieser Carolyn Yackel Ashley Zelinskie
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